Migraine and T1 - anyone?

Two days ago I had my first migraine. So debilitating my spouse took me to the ER and I was worked up for possible aneurysm. I can not find any link between T1 and migraines other than headaches related to high glucose levels (which I’ve had and they have never been like this episode). A Swedish study even sugguests there is a lower rate of migraines among T1’s. So has anyone else had this experience, or can some info my way? Thanks.

Hi Edward…I don’t suffer from migraines as such and don’t get headaches from high blood sugar. However I do get really bad headaches (not sure if you would class this as a migraine?) from extended periods of low blood sugar. My endo explained it that due to the low blood sugar your brain actually expands and this causes the headache - go figure…

I don’t have any good info for you, just my own story…My mom’s side of the family has hashimotos’s and migraines. I got them both and T1 :slight_smile:

The first one I had was in college after the morning after the hardest final I ever took. I was vomiting uncontrollably for no reason (bs was within range) and ended up going to the ER. I called home after it was all over and was explaining my symptoms. She quickly identified it as a migraine. Thankfully, I don’t get them very often and when I do, I respond very well to Imitrex. But the first time is SO scary!

I’m not sure what I had first, diabetes or migraine. Maybe diabetes.
I used to suffer from it more often when I was a kid/young teen, but it became less and less within the last few years. I sure have headaches sometimes but a headache is not a migraine.

I’ve never thought about any connection between the two.
But it is possible that I suffer less from migraines than my relatives… I don’t know.

The only connection I can draw for sure is that I get a headache, if my bg raises to fast after being very low.