I just started my second Tandem T-Slim pump, and started using the bolus feature from my phone. This is very useful. However, since I can bolus from my phone, why can’t I clear alarms from my phone? I can see them in my T-Connect app, but I have to dig out the pump to get them to turn off. Do you think this is just an oversight? Tandem, are you listening?
It’s coming. Mobile bolus was the first major update to Control-IQ since it’s release. It was one of the first times The FDA allowed a phone to control a medical device at all, so it was a major win at the time.
The FDA likes little, incremental baby steps, though. They couldn’t go all in at once with full control. It would have been considered too risky. They needed to establish a record of safely doing one single operation first.
Based on that history of safe mobile boluses, Tandem was able to get full mobile pump control approved for Mobi, but it will take another expensive FDA filing to get the same for T:slim. Since it’s already been approved for use with Control-IQ, though, it’ll be easy to move forward with T:slim. On FDA fillings, theme a section where you write down all the things that are grandfather’s in because they’ve already undergone FDA scrutiny, so they can just add it without fanfare or more testing to another FDA filing.
It’s not a mistake. I also hated that. I have a tandem mobi now which is 100% phone controlled. And it takes a lot of steps to cancel alarm and to bolus and everything. I think they are afraid we will accidentally bolus and no know it.
I really like it otherwise, but when I’m in another ap and I get an alarm I need to drop out of what I’m doing. So it’s a trade off.