I have had diabetes for just over 10yrs now. My husband and i got pregnant in January and lost the baby about 5 weeks later. My blood sugars are on the higher side and I have been working to keep them down, but had trouble when pregnant as they kept creeping on me. Could we have lost the baby due the highs? Does splenda have anything to do with baby loss? Is there anything I can do besides trying to get control and cut out different foods ect, to stay pregnant? Was it something I did?
Thanks in advance.
I am truly sorry for your sad loss. Have no response to your question as I have never been pregnant and diabetic, just wanted to express my sympathy.,
So sorry to hear about your loss. And was probably nothing you did or didn’t do. This happened to many women and most don’t have diabetes. I have two wonderful children but we also lost one inbetween our two. And while I blamed myself for a very long time, I was told by everyone on my medical team that sometimes it happens and there is no reason for it.
I will suggest to give it a little time and try again. It took me about a year or so before I got the ok to try and get pregnant and than it took another year before we got pregnant. It was a very long time but very worth it. I also hope that everytime you are out of range you don’t beat yourself up. You’re human not a machine. As long as you don’t float around in the high ranges for long periods of time, you’ll be fine. I think everything in moderation is a good place to be but get yourself a great medical team (mine was endo, OB, CDE, RD and eye doctor) and hopefully they will all know each other and will work well as a team. Good luck and hopefully you’ll be back telling us about every great step along the way. It can happen but please give yourself a little time. You are in my thoughts!
I am so sorry. Unfortunately Miscarraiges happen for lots of reasons. My third child, I carried 38 weeks and we lost him at birth. I wasn’t diabetic back then. I did get pregnant again and had a very healthy boy and then 2 more healthy pregnancies.
I’m sorry to hear this. Early first trimester losses occur very very often. More often than not, this early mothers had never even realized they were pregnant. It was nothing you did wrong. When my wife and I were first trying I remember the doctor telling us not to even tell our family members we were pregnant until 12 weeks because so many things can go wrong that early.
I have no idea as I’m not an OB but your willingness to post this very private information here is inspiring. If you can keep working to improve then who can’t? I know my diabetes educator has a diabetic daughter who had has children and she benefitted from a CGM to help monitor all the fluctuations. Maybe you can find an educator who has experience with pregnancy and can advise you. Sounds like your meant to be a mom.
I totally agree with @Sam19 and many others.
Most of the time, diabetic or not, the mother did nothing wrong, but I know how you feel, you feel like you did something to cause this.
I had a miscarriage between my 3rd and 4th pregnancy. I lost the baby soon after conception but found out at 7 weeks (what would have been 7 weeks). The doctors said I did nothing wrong and my BGs were high in the beginning- which is totally normal for diabetic pregnancies.
I am so sorry for your loss. Take time to grieve the loss of your baby. I found that when I gave myself enough space and time to grieve, when my husband and I were ready to try again I was focused and at peace. I felt like I had moved forward.
Also, this seems kind of a duh thing for me now, but at the time baffled me to no end. Men and women grieve differently. You may feel or grieve a certain way different than your husband. Respect that the grieving process is different for both of you. I was a little callous when I first found out and told my husband, but then realized it and was able to help him through it and him me through it.
You are in my thoughts and prayers,
I am sorry about your loss, it’s never easy and we will probably never know why. I lost my first pregnancy at 5 weeks this February, but got pregnant again two weeks later and an currently past 11 weeks with everything looking good and keeping my fingers crossed. Hugs!
Got my answers. Apparently the insulin I was on was not pregnancy friendly? The endocrinologist changed my insulin and we are getting my sugars down as well and under good care now Hopefully in the near future we can try again.
You, said, your hba1c was around 13, so that probably did play a role in the loss. Target in pregnancy is about half of that or better. Great you now have an endo working with, you and you should get happy news in a while.
Sorry for your loss, @hb1 and thanks for sharing here.
Buy could I ask what insulin specifically you were on? I am currently TTC and have been reading a lot about being pregnant as a woman with T1D. I also had a prenatal consultation with a high-risk obstetrician (who primarily sees diabetic mothers-to-be). At no point during this research have I seen/heard that there are insulins that might be unsafe for a fetus. Now, that could be because my doctors are not concerned about the only kind I use (rDNA insulin aspart), but I would still like to know what types are not recommended. Thanks.
I am so sorry for your loss! I had a miscarriage myself (18 years ago).
I too was searching for possible causes at that time as to why it happened, and the doctors told me
that when someone loses a baby " this early", which in my case was 4 mo pregnant, that it’s usually because there were problems in the first place with the baby’s development, not because of anything the mother has done. I wasn’t diabetic at that time. Be kind to yourself. I remember getting depressed for a while after I lost my baby. hugs
I was on humulin mix 30/70
Basal bolus may give you better control for your next attempt. I used humulin mix for my first pregnancy, and hated it.
Always eating to chase the insulin. had a really nasty low too.
My second pregnancy I used Humalog for fast acting and Humalin-N for long acting. Worked much better.
These days, levermir is also approved for pregnancy and gives much more stable blood sugar than Humalin.
Im on Lantus and Apidra. So far doing well on them. I get the odd low, but thats not so bad.