Is this normal??? I’m new to the pod this is my second day.
Hey Marlon, welcome to the Omnipod people. And yes, the moisture is standard. I usually take a q-tip and absorb it out before I insert it and after it finishes the setup routine. It makes it easier to see if the cannula is inserted properly…which is almost impossible to see anyway. Have fun with the pods, they are much better than the tubing with others, in my opinion.
Ok thanks Don, but the window was clear on yesterday.
I’m assuming its okay …it was clear all day yesterday after putting on the pod in the morning. I almost ripped it off getting into my car at lunchtime I definitely need to work on my pod-awareness! I used some medical tape to keep it in place, but after showering this morning I noticed a small amount of moisture in the window- my sugars have been running fine, so I guess there’s no problem.
It’s ok. Mine does it when I sweat and shower, it’ll get a bit ‘foggy’. It’s fine. Brilliant of Omnipod to make the cannula a “clear” color or material. Nearly impossible to see!
They told us to tap the pod on your pants and get the excess insulin out. But yes, I think this can be normal.
Thanks Guys I was a little worried about my insulin delivery.
The clear cannula has pros and cons. Clear makes it difficult to see. Colored would make it very difficult to see blood if it were present. I usually have moisture present before my three days is up. Happy podding, Marlon.
Moisture is fine. Like others have said, i get moisture in the window after showering and after a work out or other heavy activity.
One time, I did have insulin pooling behind the window after a cannula failed with no PDM alarm. That will happen occasionally. You might actually see insulin sloshing around behind the window as opposed to moisure condensing on the window.
…sorry this is off topic, but how about bleeding at the site? I’ve noticed blood in the cannula, and it seemed to have seeped down my arm a bit and now part of my adhesive has a nice red tint to it. My bg has been running well (no I’m assuming its not a huge problem), but does this occur often?
Hey Kati, I think I may be abnormal but I have only experience a little trickle of blood usually after yanking out the pod and only a couple of times over the past 5 years while on the Cozmore and Animas pumps. I think I had blood in the cannula only once. Now I have had a little bit of bleeding when I walked my pod into the door frame on the front of my house once (not advised).
Of course, in the 45+ years I’ve been taking shots I’ve only bleed a handful of times too…gee I’m starting to worry maybe I’m an alien.
But if I were you I wouldn’t worry much about it. If it isn’t painful, your levels are good all is well…if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.
Sorry that’s about all I can tell you, but I noticed no “professionals” had responded yet.
The last couple of times I’ve noticed blood when I removed the pod. I use my arms when I am VERY active and that is when it happens. Maybe I’m bumping it and don’t know. I was sticking my arms for 50 years and may have scar tissue.???