More diabetes pics gone wrong

Marilyn6 – yes, while having (before each use) to
sterilze the glass syringe in a pot of boiling water was a pain, the worst were the stainless steel needles – they were dull when new, then got duller. It was wonderful when single use plastic syringes with very sharp needles became available.

Tim12 – My Endo’s target TIR (time in range) is 75-170. But user rcarli points out one can have pretty poor control but a decent TIR. So carli prefers using 2 metrics – Average BG and Low Standard Deviation. See post at:

User mremmers talks about TITR (time in tight range), for example, 70-140, as being a new goal encouraged by some Endos. It seems like a good target to shoot for. See post at Is Time-In-Range (T-I-R) a good/the best metric for assessing BG Control? - #12 by mremmers and an article at

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