My blog

You can find my Diabetes Update blog at

On that blog I write about my own experiences with diabetes and I poke through the diabetes news applying common sense and a growing cynicism about those companies and professionals who “help” people with diabetes and ask nothing in return but many hundreds of our hard earned dollars every month.

I have also spent a lot of time over the past couple years collecting research data primarily about Type 2 diabetes and putting it on my completely not for profit web site, What They Don’t Tell You About Diabetes.

I started researching Type 2 because I had been told for 8 years that I was “the classic” insulin resistant Type 2, even though I have been a normal weight almost all my life except for a year or two at the start of menopause.

Eventually a doctor put me on Lantus when my fasting blood sugar started to creep up, and when I started hypoing on 8 units, it became clear that whatever I was, it wasn’t insulin resistant. But by then I had put together one heckuva web site about Type 2 diabetes and so I still put in a lot of work every week keeping the research on the site up-to-date because it has become a resource for a lot of people who aren’t getting the answers they need from their doctors or nutritionists.

Jenny, Thankyou for keeping up with your work of informing us! I personally find it hard to trust the “medical system” That is why I like being here and other places that have real people going thru real experiences to talk to. :slight_smile: I actually watch for your posts and a few others; because you’ve been there done that so much before me. My heart holds gratitude for the work you and others have done to show us ways to deal with this.