I was asked if I wanted to write an article for publication on LOOPing. Was wondering if anyone would be interested in helping me edit it before I submit it? I can post it here or we can go offline. What do you all think?
Can you link to the site where this would be published? My attempts to google search failed. Is it Medtronic related?
Ok, I found this. Is it the site where your piece would be published?
Wasn’t sure what the policy was here on other sites. https://www.diabetesdaily.com/
I’m happy to help edit.
Thanks @Terry4 . Sent you a PM.
I’m happy to help edit though I’m sure Terry has a bit more experience than I do. I have been “Looping” and more recently using iAPS since April of 2019. It has dramatically improved my life with D and lessened the mental burden of management.
Happy to help
Congratulations, Brad.
It was really good. Its hard to summarize that much information into an article.
My ‘prep’ paper before publication was 50 pages long. TechnicalWriting/Medical_Device_Security_Diabetes.pdf at master · heathermortensen/TechnicalWriting · GitHub
You had just the right amount of information of the right type.