I weigh most of DS food as I find for me that is more accurate than measuring. Of course today it died. This was a really basic inexpensive scale. I am just wondering it anyone has a recommendation for a new scale, I looked on Amazon and there were so many different ones. I know there are some that will figure carbs for common things like apples etc for you, if you have one like that do you find it helpful?
This looks like an updated version of the one we have - it is great because it does figure carbs for lots of different foods! It is incredibly helpful in figuring everyone's food.
Hi! I have one called Perfect Portions that I picked up at Bed Bath & Beyond just over a month ago. I like it...but I have never used a digital scale for food before so it's possible I'm not a good judge. I do like the feature allowing me to plug in the codes for grapes, apples, oranges etc...it's very helpful. At first I thought the codes would be annoying but I've found I use a few of them all the time and well apparently I can still memorize some things pretty quick like. Also, the little book that came with mine is laminated so that's nice..it would wipe up easily if necessary. It allows me to switch from oz to g's and build a plate with no trouble. The only thing I have found recently is that the smallest it measures is 4g's...which really hasn't been much of a problem but a couple of times it would have been nice to measure out 2 grams. I wanted to put some crushed candy cane on some ice cream and my calculations were 1 gram = 1 carb and I wanted 2 carbs...so when I got the 4grams I just eyed it into half. Maybe I'm asking too much, I don't know. I've heard the Salter or Satler (something like that) brand is good.
We have found that a scale is a very important tool to have available. After getting the scale, we realized that some foods like cereals tended to be understated from a carb perspective when just measured. And who can ever guess whether a banana is small, medium or large. Any quality digital scale and a calculator will do, but we like the added convenience of being able to put in a food code and receiving the carb output.
We purchased the EatSmart Digital Nutrition Scale - Professional Food and Nutrient Calculator through Amazon and have been very pleased with the information that it provides. The only drawback to this scale is that I have to get the light right in order to read the display. It is very easy to use and has certainly improved our ability to estimate carbs.
We have the Salter scale, but are retarded and only weigh things in the normal fashion. I have a list of carb factors for baked food from takeout or restaurants and use Calorie King book for other carbs. It works fine, but I know Salter can do so much more. You can often buy the Salter on sale at Bed Bath & Beyond. Bed, Bath & Beyond often sends out 20% coupons, especially now around the holidays and in January. You combine the coupon with their sale and Salter becomes very inexpensive.
It's a little bit pricey, but really it's probably the most used tool in my kitchen. It comes preprogrammed with lots of foods and I add in the most frequently eaten things. We hardly use our calorie king book anymore.
Another vote for the Salter 1450, you can get it online. I've been using it for 3 years (took it to all our trips within the US and abroad tons of times). One thing I cannot live without !!! :-)