My worst spike food

I think I have found it. It is cornbread. Folks from different parts may not know what it is but it is a staple on the dinner table of quite a few southern households. Good cornbread, especially buttermilk cornbread, is something that a lot of folks in the south find hard to resist.

Well I was weak last night and indulged in some, boy was that a mistake. My sugar spiked to 210 and was still there at bedtime. I was able to get it down to 99 by morning but it still spiked backed to 120 later in the morning even though I had not eaten anything.

So I'm swearing off of cornbread.... Sorry Paula Dean.

I'm sure going to miss it.

Gary S

I would think that folks would be able to decode "corn+bread" to figure out what it is? I don't eat it that much but I don't recall noticing it spiking that much? How much did you eat and what did you do insulinwise? There must be a way to get it?

strawberry jam is a killer!

But strawberry jam is sooo delicious. I find just bread is really bad for me, and mashed potato. I can't tell you how I crave a slice of toast and butter, am sure it is because I know I really should not eat it.

Sometimes what we consider problem foods simply has to do with portion control. Now, did you have a pice that was an inch square or three inches square? I often blame foods for being spikers, when in fact it is that I always eat too much of them and do not take enough insulin to cover. My grocery store makes these kick-butt sour cream raspberry muffins. I can eat a half of one, but not a whole one. But shoot, what are you going to do after eating a delicious morsel and then seeing the rest o your plate? So, I just don't get them.

Sorry to hear. I know what you mean re: scary spikes. A couple surprises I've experienced: sukiyaki, hard apple cider. Yes, I've sworn of those foods.

There are ways to make healthier cornbread. I make corn muffins (portion size automatically limited!) with whole wheat flour, corn meal & some garbanzo flour.

That is a huge spike. If you make the recipe from Southern Living, I ran it through the counter and figure it only has 14g of carbs per serving.

I seem to do much better with corn than wheat. For me, wheat products are evil. I can eat a single slice of bread and pay for it at two hours.

Pretzels and wheat thins are the two things I have never been able to figure out. I need to bolus for much more than the actual amount of carbs for even 1/4 of a serving, and still end up spending the next few hours with correction boluses. Some things just aren't worth it to me.

The reason cornbread is so bad is because the cornmeal slows down the digestion, making the spike come a bit later and more pronounced. I find that anything with cornmeal in it has that effect, so I just stay away. I'm a T1 and I find that bread in any quantity just causes prolonged BG issues, so I try to avoid it as much as possible.

Cornbread!! Strawberry jam!!! Two of the best foods in the universe. I agree with Kathy, it's all about the portion. I have found that life is easier if I just leave things like these off my plate. However, sometimes they are just to tempting. What works for me is to treat them like a condiment. The other day I ordered a chef's salad which came with a biscuit, a very, very good biscuit. I had been on the low side so I indulged and ate half of it. It was so good i wanted to eat the whole thing and order more. But, I stayed with the half. Happy for the treat and without a spike. The next day (we were on vacation) I had two hand dipped onion rings with my bunless burger. Things like this keep me sane (an arguable point)and out of BG hell.

I want to say pizza, but in looking at my BG logs, my worst spikes are actually from oatmeal and fruit. I'm talking about 4 oz. of old-fashioned rolled oats with no sweetener and half a grapefruit or a small clementine. This breakfast (approx. 25 carbs according to Calorie King) has consistently raised my BG a lot- once I went from 97 mg/dl to 237 mg/dl. Needless to say, I have given up oatmeal (and fruit for the most part)! I'm sure I could figure out the right bolus and be fine, but I have no desire to take a huge dose of insulin just so that I can eat a small bowl of oatmeal.

I haven't had cornbread since I was diagnosed, but I can imagine it would be hard to bolus for, as it can vary in how sweet or dense it is. And it's hard to just have a little!

For me it's bagels--and I love bagels and cream cheese.

Most cornbread is made with plenty of sugar as well.

I think I should be able to cover it with insulin once I get this carb counting business figured out. I have an appointment later this monthwith a dietician/CDE to start learning how to carb count. Even though I have been on MDI for a little over a year I still consider myself a novice.

Gary S

Unfortunately, that is not necessarily true, Gary. Each of us have some foods that we can't accurately and predictably bolus for. For me it's cereal and rice. So I find it just easier to not eat those things. Hopefully cornbread is not one of those foods for you, but it's a possibility. It seems like you should just be able to figure out the right amount of insulin but some foods just confound that logic!

[spiked backed to 120]...I think that statement is possibly a oxymoron in the PWD world...;-)

If someone is calling a 120mg/dL a spike their probably setting themselves up for a little disappointment. JMHO

Don't eat the corn bread..being a Southern boy I know it's hard but there is life beyond corn bread.....

I would take a 210mg/dL for some peach cobbler and ice cream a couple of times a year...I could get hit by a bus tomorrow so sometimes I just go for it.

I agree on both counts. Peach cobbler and ice cream would out trump cornbread any day. As for spiking back to 120 I would be happy with it but thought it unusal for it to go back there from an 90ish reading when I had eaten nothing that morning. I have my basal dose of Levemir set about right. 99.9% of the time my read will stay within 5 points of my morning read all the way thru to lunch when I eat no breakfast which is my usual daily routine.

Dang it now you got me dreaming about peach cobbler and I cream. :)

Gary S

You know, bsc, I', noticing that problem also with wheat. And, wheat tends to make me retain fluid, which, as a kidney patient I must be very mindful of.
It is so amazing how much we can continue to learn.

What a great discussion. The various feedbacks were most interesting!

I haven't gone above 200 in months (I think). Then there was lunch at a Chinese place yesterday. I ate modestly of the white rice, but our order also included dumplings and a noodle dish. The gooey sauce on our "Fish Fragrant Pork" seemed suspect, so I tested: 205. (Motivated me to get some activity; I swept & washed the floor, so there was a silver lining.)

When I know I'm eating Chinese I try to
*have brown rice ready
*order a vegetable-based dish

As for this lunch: live & learn!