December 30, 2021, 12:53am
This is a really old post,you might find better luck in posting on the most current one.
The first is 2020, the next two are 2017. I believe there is even a more current from this year. It just wasn’t as easy to find, probably started with a different title… But some other people might know.
This is the 2020 one.
I have had type 2 for 28 years. I have been in good control. Last 2 , A1c’s where 6.2 . On my right foot my second toe has given me a slight tingle, maybe 2-3 times a month. For maybe 20 seconds. That is it. I can feel the filament with my feet. I have no other issues. I walk fine. Any ideas? Thank you. I see my MD in 2 weeks. Nancy50
The next two are 2017 but provide some information.
There are four basic types of neuropathy:
Peripheral neuropathy affects the feet, hands, legs and arms.
Proximal neuropathy, or amyotrophy can cause muscle weakness. It affects the muscles in the upper part of the legs, buttocks, and hips.
Focal neuropathy, by contrast, affects one specific nerve; it’s focused neuropathy. It can also be called mononeuropathy. Focal neuropathy, which comes on suddenly, most often affects nerves in the head (especially ones that go to the eyes). It can also aff…
Yes that is all correct and has been written about extensively in books by doctors and even pharmacists who decry the way the medical profession is being handled and that is why I decided to apply the old saying about “the tail wagging the dog,” where the tail is only supposed to be a small part of the picture yet is in the end far too significant. There are more deaths attributed to drugs than there are to supplements by a long shot. It is frankly not supposed to be this way, but you will see…