Last night I started swimming again, I started out with a BG of 300, I swam hard for about 20 minutes then checked the BG it was 200. I got out of the pool and came home, within an hour I was back up to 300 and couldn’t hardly get it down last night.
It’s breakfast now and I’m at 250, I plan to swim light this morning and do some Water Walking. Any advice on how to avoid the diabetes roller coaster?
Blessed Diabetic
i know when i was little and always swam at the neighbors i would always drop low but never had it jump back up have u checked ketones?
Check your inset it might be leaking…I would change it and see what it does…that has happened to me…let me know how it works for you…have a nice day
I didn’t even think about Ketones! I’ll have to pay attention to that one. Thanks for the reminder.
I agree with the bad inset theory. Also, how did you check your BG while swimming? Could your finger have been wet and diluted the sample?
I don’t think exercise is recommended above 300, or maybe even 250. I would consider the things that might be causing your numbers to be that high to begin with, rather than looking at exercise to get it down. Change your set, try a new vial of insulin, a new site, etc. And if those numbers are a pattern, I would look at tweaking your basals (or doing basal testing whichever works for you) so that you wake up more in range. I know if I start out that high, I spend much of the day trying to get down.
My doctor told me if you sugar is high don’t exercise because it could climb higher…and it is a good idea to check your inset…have a nice day…good luck
Also… check for air in the line. I’ve occasionally had air show up in the line after a day or two without problems.
If your BG’s are high, it WILL take you HOURS to get them back down to good levels…correcting every two hours as you go.
As others have said, if you regularly have high readings, and everything else is “normal” (no unusual stress, not sick, etc.) then you’ll need to talk to your CDE or endo about adjusting basal rates and I:C ratios.
Thanks for the tips and info guys, I’m seeing my Diabetes care team tomorrow and will end up calling my Endo to explain what’s going on. My PCP has no clue how to treat diabetes, I explained what happened… their response… “don’t worry about it too much, it’s the lows we care about”. I love my PCP but she doesn’t know much about diabetes. Basal rates will need to be changed for the morning, I’m always good through the night (sometimes crash) but around 3:30 I start to sky rocket up. I think we need to set an alternate Basal during the morning. Thanks again for the tips and info.
You are very welcome…wish you luck…