New medtronic guardian CGM sensors? Any catch known yet?

I just wondered if anything was known yet, either in regards to pricing or details in any way about this rather crucial part of the new 670g pump from minimed?

With my last upgrade, iI found myself both grateful and yet also feeling slightly comcast style ripped off by their loud announcements of how the new sensors wouldn’t cost any more, only to find that they did… Kind of, depending on how you look at it. :slight_smile:

For those of us who re-use our sensors while stable, we found that they had basically doubled the cost, but used the FDA allowable days of use/halved the size of the box - as a sales pitch,
Admittedly the insertion device was a million times better, but I found (having some old sensors to use up) that the old ones worked as well, if not better than the new sensors, and then also found that they would no longer sell me the old style sensors, because I now had the ‘wrong’ pump. Hrm… Shady.

It makes me dubious this time around, but still incredibly curious because of the closed loop functionality.
I guess I’m expecting to find that if the new sensors are FDA approved for 10 days, they will come in a box of three, downgraded from the now normal boxes of 5, that in turn used to be boxes of 10, etc etc.
Other acts of paranoia in me make me wonder if the talk from medtronic of not responding to highs with boluses based on CGM values (only to use finger tests) will mean that the pump is still a minefield of manual overrides to keep everything legal, and effectively limiting the scope of how awesome it could be.

Anything known? I’m kind of pacing up and down outside their figurative door with a fist full of money, wondering if I should go in :confused:

Many thanks!
