Just to clear a few things up that I have read here. My upgrade PDM did not come with any pods. It comes with batteries, USB cable, manual, and a carrying case.
I need to replace a pod tonight and am looking forward to using the new PDM. It does not seem much smaller but better designed. It fits in the hand much better. I can not comment on the new screen since I have not fired it up yet.
I have no idea what either of you are referring to as a clear skin?
I just went through my box again and there is nothing else. The new case comes in a plastic bag. If by a skin you mean a clear protector for the PDM then no I did not receive that yet.
Please tell me what you are referring to so I can look through my box again. I suspect you are not referring to bubble wrap because that is all I have left:).
Let me know.
PS setup is very intuitive. I LOVE the new screen it is a massive improvement and the little light for the test strip is great too!!
I emailed the company via the website when I heard from my rep that “it was supposed to be sent with a white/clear skin”. I said I had heard about them and seen pictures, and asked when they would be available to purchase, etc.
I had a reply email later that day (this was wednesday or thursday of last week) and they said they were backordered and would ‘ship as soon as they had some’…I then got an email the next day of a confirmation of tracking for a package that should arrive today. I haven’t ordered anything else from the company so I’m assuming it’s a skin, but I really am not sure. And of the pictures of the skins that I have seen, I have yet to see a white/clear one…but that’s what my rep (and apparently others) have said should have been in the box. I’ll let you know if anything turns up.
I’m using the omnipod, getting ready to order the new pdm but was curious where you guys are getting all the info about the skins, etc?? I’ve browsed their site and don’t find anything about it?
Let me know if I’m missing something, I like all the info I can get. I’ve been using the pod since March this yr.
Got mine today, too, but I’m not due for a pod change until Friday
At least I can start using the meter in the new PDM - a little bit of "fun."
I was excited about the light for test strips, but does anyone else notice that it’s not as effective as the one on the original Freestyle meters was? On mine itt does not illuminate all the way to the end of the strip where the blood goes.
I also got my new PDM today well on the 3rd I did not get any software or a skin and no holster just a carrying case. The buttons are really stiff it wore me out just trying to input all my info in the MY INFO Slots
My Name
My Address
My City & State & Zip Code
My PH#
My Wife’s PH #
Please Return If
Found For a Reward
There should be a better to do all this like on a pc and saving it back to the PDM or some way to backup all the setting on the PDM. Its co0l love screen alot better the buttons are tiny but its allot better the 1st PDM more observation later go0D Nite ! RenZ
I noticed the same thing about the light…it was a nice thought, trying to bring it over from the flash, etc…not sure if they were trying to save money w/ a different type of bulb or less energy usage or something. It’s better than blind guessing in a dark room though, so I can’t complain too much :-/
The OmniPod CoPilot Extension software download is now on the Insulet web site. I had already downloaded and installed the CoPilot software from Abbott and was waiting for this piece. Tonight I will see how well the software works with the new PDM.