New Study about Experiences in Hospital

NEW STUDY at Stanford University!

(this is an interesting one!!!)

Stanford University is looking for people with diabetes who have been hospitalized or gone to an emergency department in the last year. They have a survey about experiences with diabetes technology in the hospital setting.

PLEASE share your experiences!!!


Hey that looks like a fun one I might qualify for. Could you please post a link to the source page you found for the study? The link posted is for a preview of the survey, not the survey itself.

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I’m not home right now but it was posted today on the Children with Diabetes site under Studies.

I found the CWD page with the link you found then went searching for the published survey. The only thing google found was this tweet

Survey link

It’s not a published study. It’s research under Dr. Rayhan Lal at Stanford University School of Medicine. Do you need further info?

You are right so I fixed my post. Thank you.

I have posted here about a visit to a local emergency department and subsequent stay in the hospital. I was not allowed to treat my T1D myself. The hospital did not have my long-term imsulin (Tresiba) and demonstrated they did not undersand how to treat T1Ds to maintain healthy BG levels. So for 4 days my BG ran betwen 250 - 400. I pleaded that someone who understands T1D intervene and write better orders, but was ignored. This is a major hospital in the San Francisco East Bay and I was just amazed at how incompetent they were about T1D.

I cannot participate in the study since this was more than a year ago, but I sure hope others with recent similar experiences do participate. Others have posted here that studies have shown healing is improved when BG levels are normalized.


I am so happy to see that someone is looking into this. I can’t participate in the study since I have avoided hospitals for a while. I am scared to death of being admitted as an inpatient - my HMO has it’s own hospital and their policy is that patients with T1D have to turn over their pumps, CGM’s and meters to hospital staff. The hospital uses R and Nph insulins only (and even though it is IV, those insulins are still unpredictable), the target bg is 180+. I could go on, but I won’t. I hope Stanford comes through for us.

Thank you very much for posting the survey here on the TuDiabetes forum. This is an area we have become very passionate about and are working on from a number of angles. This will help us understand the challenges not only at Stanford and similar academic centers, but at the places where most individuals in the country are hospitalized.

We are working with a number of organizations (e.g., T1DX) to help distribute this more broadly. Here’s the shortened version of the link for anyone who would like to share further:

It is now available in the 5 most common languages spoken in the US to improve inclusion of diverse experiences.

Please stay tuned for additional efforts and publications on this topic in the near-ish future :wink:

Thanks again!

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Hi Mike. Its great to hear from someone on the research side. Please make a note on the after publishing to do list to let us know where your research gets published. I’d like to read it. Anytime you find some interesting diabetes related research please make a post. There’s a bunch of us on here that like read research papers but not being in the industry its hard to find good reads in the firehose of science publishing.

As Joanne first found someone published the preview link to your study. You need to disable the survey preview in Qualtrics to kill the link to prevent people from submitting responses you can’t use.

Thanks! I will definitely make a note to come back here to post the published manuscript(s) that come from this, which will likely be some time from now.

Meanwhile, here’s a short and sweet one we recently did on a totally different topic, relevant to the summer months we currently find ourselves in that the forum readers might find of interest. It is free access :wink:: Swimming With the Omnipod 5 Automated Insulin Delivery System: Connectivity in the Water

I received notice of the research in an email. I was delighted to learn about it. My HMO requires that I use their hospital. Every year T!D people are given a copy of their T1D in patient mgt protocol. We are required to give them our pumps, CGM,s and in some cases even our meters. Their target BG is around 200, they use NpH and R insulins - even though it is delivered via IV, that is still too old-school (giving R to make a correction is so slow to get into the system, that the patient’s bg is even higher!). I can’t participate in the survey. I haven’t been inside a hospital (except to visit someone) in years. Thank God and my mgt skills. I can only hope that if something happens - I’m hit by a bus or something - it is too far away from the HMO hospital to be transported there. So thank you for doing the project.

My hopes were raised a bit during the Covid crisis. I read where some hospitals were using Dexcoms in their Covid wards. The had the receivers where staff could see the bg through the window to the patient room. I believe the initial idea was to save on PPE since using the CGM would mean that staff didn’t have to enter the patient room for a fingerstick and the bg can be viewed by simply passing by.

Added to my reply, please keep us posted!

I had a stroke on April 29, 2022 and cycled through 8 hours of the emergency room, 2 nights of intensive care, 2 nights of a regular hospital room, then finally 8 nights in an in-patient rehab center. I could not do this survey since the incident was just over a year ago last May.

I refused to let the many different care units take over my insulin program. I was/am on an automated insulin dosing system (DIY Loop with MM 722 pump, Dexcom G6 CGM, and algorithm in an iPhone app) and I knew they would all make a mess of things. I also knew that near normal BG played a critical role in healing/recovery.

My cognitive ability was impaired but I had just enough brain power to make it work. I had my pre-packed diabetes go-kit with me with all the needed supplies. I think my refusal to let them take on my diabetes care combined with needing my permission to disconnect my insulin pump and a minimal ability to service everything helped me to stay in control. My medical record showed several A1cs in the 4.8%-5.3% range.

Paradoxically, I would have liked to hand off the entire responsibility if I knew they were competent. By talking with various nurses and doctors, I knew they were not. I remember that the ICU nurse offered to disconnect the insulin pump and let them take over. I told her it was tempting but I feared reversing the decision would be impossible.

I had a perfect run of bad sensor luck at the start. The sensor I was wearing when I entered the ER was on the 9th or 10th day and was drawing a ragged line. The replacement sensor was bad and I had to do another change within 2 days or so. I was doing fingersticks so I was not completely blind and I welcomed any hospital fingersticks.

I averaged 99 mg/dL for this 13 day period and a good 5% of the reported lows were false as were at least half of the 2% very lows. The hospital fingersticks were usually in an acceptable range so that was a confidence vote in my favor. My standard deviation measured 23 mg/dL, so that helped me.

I was able to maintain my low carb eating style and I was helped by my ability to fast when necessary and I enjoyed good basal insulin support. I ate a lot of bacon and eggs during this time. Most of the hospital food was simple carbs and processed foods. Sweets and carbs!

I don’t know how the medical profession justifies the diabetes care it gives. I would give them a failing grade! It’s actually worse than a failing grade since they have no idea as to how deficient and incompetent they are. Their only concern is avoiding a hypoglycemic event on their shift. BGs north of 200 is fine with them! Sheesh…

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I really hope you respond to the survey. Dr. Rayhan Lal at Stanford is running this study and he is just such an outstanding endo/T1D/looper.

In short the MRI dept through away my transmitter, sensor & site. I’m lucky they didn’t through my pump out as I was unconscious. Nobody in the Hospital had any idea of what they did our what they where. I finally created a ruckus which made them get a hold of the diabetic nurse. The nurse didn’t really have clue but said she may have a sensor and transmitter in her demo drawer she did Hurrah, my advice is to always carry a spare of everything always.