Place To Keep Pump?

Im curious if anyone has any suggestions as to wear to keep your pump… ive got the leg strap thing and the stomach one but all ideas are always useful… Thanks

In my jeans pocket, on the waistband using the clip, in my bra between my girls. Just some of the places I wear it.

yea id wear it in between mr bra to! but im to small a size for one lol

Mine is always in my pocket or on my belt. easy access for me. if it is a special dress up day I took the advice of kerri at and my dresses have inside pockets sown in as well as my dress pants so it is out of sight but still accessible.

hey jenn when I pull an er shift I got a hole cut in the scrubs where the pocket on the shirt is to thread it through for easy access and out of the way. it works great for when I wear the site on my arm and the same through my scrub pants pocket for thigh sites. didn’t know if you had thought about that but it works great.

heyy no offense ladies but what about the men!!! lol

Go with the omnipod. So much more convenient. There is no where to “keep” the pump and no tubing!

Pocket brian or you can get pockets sown into stuff too lol

I am too small too. Thats the point. Hahah. Makes me look bigger!

Yeah but no way to bolus without he PDM. I walk out of the house often without my wallet let alone where the PDM might be. I would be SOL. If it’s not attached to me it’s not going with me.

When I used the MM522 I would do like Danny. I also bought their case that attaches to your belt. Now wth the Omnipod and I keep the pdm in a cell phone case.

i think woman that are small… are sexy :o) so thats fine by me!

tried insurance is giving me ■■■■ and i had 2 minimed pumps so i decided to use it…

that looks really cool… im gonna go back to the gym soon so thats a very good option… thanks!

When I got my first pump, I cut holes in the pockets of three pairs of new jeans, and ruined them all. Granted I’m not much of a seamstress, I am really happy with my spibelts. There is a pump sized spibelt; and a smaller one that can easily hold a cell phone, or instead snugly hold my MM522. Now there is also a water resistant spibelt that holds my 522, though I’m not sure about holding a larger pump–it has a zip-lock type container attached inside for whatever you’re carrying.

I like the Spiband. I have a Spibelt that I use for my Dexcom. I want to start using my arms for sites and would be able to do that without getting longer tubes if I get the Spiband. Thanks!

If you’re using it for testing often, I can’t imagine that you’d really “lose track” of the PDM…

I am known to walk out of my house sans phone and wallet and not realize it until we are a half hour away. I do test often but also keep back up meters in my car for this particular reason. I would hate not to be able to eat or correct because I can’t bolus. I would also hate to loose a PDM at $500 a pop and have to pay out of pocket for a spare or if I lost it. While I did look into the pod, when I first looked at pumps this is one of the reasons that it wasn’t my cup of tea.

almost everything I own has pockets but for the occasional tight fiitting dress, a garter works well