Hey everyone,
It's been a long time since I've visited tudiabetes, but I recently found out I'm pregnant (it was unexpected) and I figured it would be good to talk to other women in the same boat. Some recent history for me:(A LOT has happened recently, feel free to skip the next paragraph.)
My fiance got a job offer in my hometown in late September, with a start date of October 1st. We had about a week to pack up and transfer our classes (we're both students) for a 12 hour move. We stayed with my family for a little over a month, while purchasing our first home. About 2 weeks after we got here, I fell down and dislocated my kneecap (I'm clumsy). My insurance was a state-run program for Oregon, so it covered the hospital visit, but none of the MRI or orthopedic requirements. My fiance & I decided to get married so I could be seen in California under his new insurance. We had a sweet little 5-minute ceremony on October 7th in the backyard of the house we were purchasing, with plans to do a bigger ceremony with family and friends in May.
(We weren't scheduled to get our keys until the 30th, but the realtor let us in. She's a sweetheart.)
We were very busy, but things were going well. I took weekly pregnancy tests to be on the safe side, since I have really irregular periods (last period was in January). On October 24th, it came back positive. I freaked out, because I hadn't been taking great care of myself and my last A1c was 7.7. Since then I have been juggling doctor appointments, school, a new home, training our puppy, and all the paperwork of relocating to another state while being pregnant and diabetic.
We had to establish care with new doctors in the area (which was far more difficult than it should have been), get referrals and update prescriptions. My new Endo is great and helped me get back on the pump, which I started last week (Minimed 530G with Enlite). We had an ultrasound and found out that I'm currently 10 weeks along, and due June 29th. My A1c was down to 7.3 as of 10/28/2014, which is still not great, and I worry about it constantly. Hopefully the pump will help me pull it down quickly. We are now in our new house, which is amazing but has almost no furniture. We have a couch and an air mattress, plus all the appliances needed. It has been a rough start, but fingers are crossed that it gets easier and the baby is healthy.
Sorry for the book I just wrote, but I haven't had a chance to really talk to anyone about it all yet. It's only been a little over 2 months since we got a phone call with a job offer that changed everything. Are there any others out there currently managing pregnancy and diabetes? I feel rotten that this was unplanned (though not at all unwelcome) and that my sugars have argued so much during the critical early weeks.