I’m not sure what to do, it’s been over 5 weeks since I received my last shipment from Dexcom and am on my last sensor and have been out of test strips for over a week. On Feb 28 I received an email saying my order was processing and that was the last I heard. I called Dexcom on Monday and was told they would put a new order through and would FEDEX me a complimentary sensor immediately before my last one ran out. Nothing.
Anyone have any suggestions on what to do about this?
First step would be to pull up your CURRENT (if it does not have effective date of 2019 then it quite possibly is not current) PBM formulary and see if Dexcom is listed.
Expect we’ll be seeing more stories like this now Dexcom has canned their Tech and Sales support staff and offshored the whole operation to the Philippines. Might try calling back and insisting they escalate the case to a higher level where there’s more accountability.
ETA: what @Tim35 said. I get my supplies via Walgreens and they stock their own supplies. And also aren’t located on the other side of the planet.
I just received my order. A week ago I received a email from them telling me that it was time to reorder. Answered a few questions and replied back to them. Never had a problem. I am on Medicare
I am also on Medicare. I received the same email as you described, answered the questions and then received an email that stated ‘Your Dexcom Order is Now Processing’, that was the last I heard anything.
I received it on February 28th. I just received a reply email from my ‘account manager’ that stated they are backordered on a lot of orders and a lot of people are also waiting for supplies.
I love the Dexcom but I hope I don’t have to go through this every month.
Wow, that is awful. I didn’t know they have stopped tech support and shipped this to the Philippines? Is that true? I get my supplies from solara, I use g5 and so far no major problems. I hope you get this figured out. Maybe call and speak with a supervisor. If you use g5 restart yout sensors. I think you can do that with G6 too.
I’ve had myriad problems receiving my orders from Dexcom. I usually have to call two or three times and drive the order through of my own volition. As others have said, I’m not optimistic that things will get better with Dexom’s new outsourcing scheme.
The single replacement sensors from Dexcom Tech Support are not subject to the current 10-day backlog that the regular orders are subject to. These also seem to be immune from the “processing” black hole. Which is good. At least this process still works.
One of my current issues with Dexcom was the “processing” status. My 90-day G6 Sensor resupply order sat in “processing” for 2 or 3 weeks. I called (Dexcom Customer Support) about 3 or 4 times (typical hold time 45 minutes). The information provided was nonsensical. I was also specifically told the 10-day backorder would not start “counting” until after the order made it out of “processing”.
Ultimately this turned out to be a good thing. It was enough of a kick in the seat of the pants to convince me to try the Pharmacy route which turned out to be extremely easy and fast.
My monthly Medicare G5 Dexcom resupply kit ships about every first of the month from Dexcom. On March 1, 2019, Dexcom advised me that their shipping department was about 1 week behind in shipping out supplies. Today is March 8, 2019 and I have received a message from Dexcon that my monthly supplies have shipped and included the Fedex tracking number. Their service has always been outstanding for me. I must also live in their alternative universe.
I am going to the same experience right now. Dexcom apparently does not have any idea what is going on in their departments. I have been trying pretty much the same on my orders. I STILL do not have my regular shipments since Feb 28th and no idea when I will get my sensors.
Does anyone have any advice? I dislike the company but really like the product.
Most of the complaints I’m seeing are from people who are getting them direct from Dexcom. I get mine through my Pharmacy benefit, CVSCaremark, and haven’t suffered any backorder delays. I actually pick mine up at Walgreens and the one I use keeps all this stuff in stock. Admittedly the store is located in the Joslin Center, so that may make a difference, but I think the pharmacy route is still worth looking into if it’s available to you.
I finally did receive my supplies a few days ago. On Feb 28 I received an email saying the order was processing and finally on March 10 I received an email telling me the order shipped. So 6 weeks went by from my previous order to this one. My account rep told me the pharmacy option isn’t available to Medicare users.
First, thank you for your response. It is the insurance company . I called Humana after this post and they do not have a local pharmacy I can use.
Can any of you tell me what insurance to use to get the best coverage on dme (durable medical equipment) when open enrollment opens up I will choose a better insurance. I talked to medtronic and asked which company coveers the guardian system but of course they could not say.
For some, using the pharmacy benefit may not be such a good idea. My daughter currently uses the G4. Her plan only covers it under DME. Copay for sensors is $67/box. As of Jan 1, the G6 is covered only under pharmacy. Copay for sensors is $125/box.
I share your pain with Dexcom and Medicare. After 10 years of continuously using Dexcom without any interruption I twice had to revert to fingersticks for BG. I called their customer service 16 times starting in early December through this last Wednesday. Despite these calls they were 2 weeks late in December, but on-time 4 weeks later in January, totally missed February’s shipment and just shipped March’s due next week. Both American and Philippine’s based customer service made promises that were missed.
And…they have rescheduled updating Medicare T1’s to the G6 (and consequently Tandem’s basal-IQ) from April until December.
I’ve also got Dexcom through Medicare. Always received an email around the end of the month to check my supply status and received my new supplies within a week.
Didn’t receive an email in February, so I figured things were busy and chose to wait a little while. Decided to call today. Sat on hold for about 15 minutes and the customer service rep placed the order for me. When I asked why I didn’t receive the usual email, she just said that she had set me up for emails now. Oh well…