Notice of discontinuation for the Omnipod® Insulin Management System

To continue bringing you the latest in Omnipod technology, we have made the decision to discontinue the Omnipod Insulin Management System (also known as Omnipod Eros, Omnipod UST400, or Omnipod “Classic”) in the United States, and will no longer be able to guarantee the availability of its supplies after December 31, 2023.

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Insulet suggested I wait until Fall to decide what to switch to. We’re discussing in various places, if the 5 will be more readily covered toward end of year. So the decision of what to upgrade to, may have to wait for some of us dependent on insurance etc.

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Yea, I’m not happy about it. I figured it was coming when they came out with the 5. The Dash might stick around longer since the 5 is geared toward loop. Who knows.

I have a couple of questions for the Dash system. Do you still have to use their phone they send you as the PDM, without setting up a different outside program? And do you have to get the updates they send? Lol… I don’t trust updates.

@Marie20, I will use Dash with DIY Loop. If you don’t like looping, you could use DIY Loop without Closed Loop. This would give you PDM functionality with the iPhone, not more. You would still be 100% in control the same way as with the PDM.

Noooooooo! This sucks.
I can run off a traditional receiver, right? I don’t want to run off of BlueTooth. I want physical buttons so I can operate the thing with low BG. What am I gonna do?