Now that I have my ping I can now write that long vent I have had in my mind for quite a while

My journey in wanting a pump started at the end of August of '10. When I went to my CDE (this was after I went to the CGM class) I was told I had to go to the “Is the pump for me” class. I already knew it was going to be for me and already knew which pump I wanted as well. So I went back to her and I was told I had to wait till I saw my dr and he may wanted to wait 6-8 months as they want to keep me safe, etc. I’m like well my sugar levels are erratic and I need to get them to calm down.

So I then waited till my November 22nd appt with my dr. I had prepared my list and was ready to fight with him. I had my list from the Animas pump group from here. I didn’t have to fight. I told him this would be the best thing for me as MDI was clearly not working for me any longer and i needed a change. He was all on board and asked me which one I wanted to go with. I said the Animas ping because of the food directory, and the support for the company has been great from what I have heard, etc. So he was pleased that I did my research and knew what I wanted.So I went over to the rep at Neighborhood who happens to have a desk at Joslin. I told him that my dr gave the green light to get me going on a pump. I told him which one and the color.

So I then hear I needed to learn I:C ratio. No problem. I was prepared to do Lantus and Humalog for a month. I then scheduled to do the I:C ratio with my first CDE that I had when I first went to Joslin as she happened to be available and my current one wasn’t. I then learned and was getting excited to hopefully begin pumping by the beginning of the new year. So weeks goes by and I find out that there was a delay. I needed the pump assessment and the day I was suppose to see my main CDE there was a snow storm here that cancelled my appt. I was like oh great, the one week I have off from class and I can’t get this in. Luckily that my first CDE had an appt available that week and can help me with the assessment. I was like oh thank god because I can not wait any longer to get this thing.

Before I emailed the pump coordinator, I figured the paperwork would be going in that afternoon. I also emailed the pump coordinator at Joslin to let her know I had the pump assessment and no response from her for over a week. I also emailed the rep at Neighborhood to find out what was going on and the Animas rep as well. Before I knew it, find out that my dexcom follow up was needed. I then learned at the appt that it wasn’t that. It was my dr and the dexcom person thought I wasn’t ready!!! I’m like wait a minute he gave me the green light in November and now he thinks no. I did express my frustrations and the dexcom person heard me and I FINALLY got the paperwork in that afternoon.

I got excited when I got the paperwork in finally. I figured it would take my insurance company 2 weeks to process. Nope, they responded after a week! And I got my pump on January 28th vs on Monday the 31st.

After all of this hassle and pain in my butt issues that brought me to the end result, I can not wait till February 8th. I have three samples of infusion sets to try. I have the batteries to be used in the pump. I have the software coming (once I order it), and I will be up and running. Overall, I am excited to be giving this a go. I just hate MDI right now with a passion and want something a bit more easier to handle (one I get up and running and get the hang of it). A pic of me with my ping is coming soon. My photographer took it and waiting for her to send it to me :).

Who is “Joslin,” they su–. Dexcom follow-up, I’m confused. Your doctor, phuey! Animas yea. Oh dear! aaauuugh, are you serious, how maddenning! Happy you are finally getting what you deserved months ago, but just ridiculous victamization. sorry.

Joslin is the Diabetes center here in Boston. I was told that my Dexcom folllow-up really had nothing to do with it! Its what the rep from my supplier heard from the pump coordinator. my dr is quite good. But there is lots of lying going around in getting me on my pump. I really think it all had to do with the pump coordinator. She holds the key in getting the pump paperwork passed on. Now I have it, the easy part is getting through the appts. I have 6 total before I am completely on my own. the first one is the foundations to pumping. That is 5 hours long. That is the biggest hurdle ever. the others are follow-ups to see how I am doing and any adjustments need to be made. The last few is with the exercise person which will be great! I’ll be able to say my goals and to do so safely on the pump!