First time I ever did that! My pod was beeping late last night but I was too lazy to get up and change it so I fell asleep. Two hours later the beeping woke me up so I crawled out of bed exhausted to put my new pod on but never removed the old one. I woke up this morning, went about my business, got into the shower still half asleep and as I’m washing I felt TWO PODS on my belly. lol
I did that once…my experience was NOT so fortunate. I had two pods screaming at me. No matter what I did, they wouldn’t shut up. Soooooo, I killed them with a hammer. Neither responded to the paperclip in the shut off spot. Oh yes, I withdrew the insulin from the new pod. Last night I forgot to prime before placing the pod. I’ve got to get more sleep! No problems there. I simply primed the pod with it on my back.
I thought I was the only one who did things like that! lol
Janice… you have me hysterical here! I can certainly understand the frustration of a “screaming pod”. That’s SO funny they you killed them with a hammer! It’s good to laugh!
Live in MY house for a few days and you’ll KNOW, you’re not alone!!
i’ve done this before. lol. it’s so funny when you discover that you have two lumps on your body.
Well, all of this makes me feel better… I thought I was the ONLY one who does “nutty” things. lol
what else? Of course you just laugh about it! I did the same thing once, and I called in to Insulet and asked what I should do. The answer was “if the pod double beeped after rpiming, you have no problem, just remove the old one as fast as you can so the PDM doesnt get confused” Thats what zI did, and there was no problem and I will make SURE I remove the old one as quickly as I disalbe it! NOt a call you want to make twice! (“didnt you call about this before???”)
Bring on the crazy!! A few days ago I was trying to stick a test strip in my cell phone lol
LOL… that’s so funny. This one isn’t about diabetes, just a ridiculous thing I did. I answered my TV remote control when the phone rang… actually pressed the button where it is on my phone and to my surprise the channel changed and I STILL didn’t realize what I did except the phone was still ringing!! LOL
Maybe I’ll make this a topic we can all laugh at.
I’m sure they get LOTS of call Steve that they hang up and laugh at. Well, just think of it this way, at least you made someone laugh today.
Janice -
I had the same problem with screaming pods before. I also tried to smashe the pods with a hammer to kill the screams iwth no success, it is amazing how well things are built when you DONT want thejm to be. my wife suggestes that maybe if we put it in the freezer, at least we wont hear it anymore. SUCCESS! in the freezer, you dont have to try to smash it and it just dies on its own. Then, you can send it back to Insulet with an explanation, I like to believe the pod will start screaming again agter it warms up a bit…but, by then it is not my promblem. The paperdclip thing is a joke, it never worked for me.
The piezo speaker is the flat round disc in the top of the pod. You pretty much have to drill through it with a drill or hammer the pod to kill the squeal. But that’s where you’re aiming.
I have 2 in the freezer right now. Determination and a very very big hammer killed the screaming pods!!
I’ve done that Janice. Freezer works great for the pod alarm.
Depends upon whether I’m in a passive aggressive mode—the freezer works well then OR an acttive aggressive mode–hammer time!!
Hamma time!!! that actually sounds better than “paperclip time!”
i take a pair of scissors; but a flat head screw driver also works… and i recycle the batteries and put the chip/inside portion in a laundry soap wanna be sharps container… and then i take the shell/ casing of the pod and save it for a craft i am working on for camp
We have primed the pod twice on my daughter - also night time changes - they both worked great!
Yes - we do the same thing when they are screaming- we use the batteries in a book light that we have - they have quite a bit of life left.