I have been on the pod for about 3 almost 4 weeks. I am having an issue with where to place it. I can’t complain but I dont’ have a lot of fat, more muscle, and it seems as though the only place it stays and is comfortable is on the way lower part of my back.
Does anyone have any suggestions where else I should place the pod? I haven’t tried my thigh or my arm yet, I am still figuring this puppy out!!
I really enjoy my lower back the most, but I have also used the sides of my stomach and arms, I am pretty fond of my arms too well at least the right one, I really hate it on my left arm it only bothers me when I sleep.
And I know this might sound wierd, and I have thought about trying this but what about on your backside ( butt ) I know its possible but try not to rip it off when you pull your pants down to ise the restroom…lol
good luck
pod since sept 08
A lot of kids on the pod use their backside… I personally would probably be a big fan of having it on my thigh or lower back if I wore it… I put the sample pod I tried on my belly and I wasn’t happy with it there at all.
Let’s see—I have tried arm, back, inner thigh, outter thigh, lower back, hip and butt. I think i’ve just about tried all the places on my body. My favorite spot is…drum roll please…MY BUTT!!! woot
Thanks everyone. I jsut want to make sure to switch it up and I feel like I have little spots all over my back already, but it’s all good.
Go figure, my butt is the best as well Diabeticizme!!!
I also suggest you post this on the Omnipod Users group: