I need some help. I know some of you are also on the ADA board. For some reason, I have been banned from signing on or even reading messages. (No, I did not do anything wrong…) ANyone else having this problem?
Dumb question, but are you sure you are using the right user name since it was different there? I just sent a message to Trisha because she still posts over there & might be able to help. Good luck!
Sorry to get here so late. You haven’t been banned! Good grief, you haven’t done anything! Last week a couple of folks had the same problem. Have you cleaned out the cache, cookies, and all of that usual stuff? Which browser are you using? Do you remember offhand, which discussion you last posted in? That would be helpful info for me to give to Matt. I’ll try to find it, it seems like it has been in the last four or five days.(?) I will be able to see your profile#, which will help Matt to locate the problem. I’ll start looking for it in just a few minutes. Also, it seems that Alan had trouble and had to keep logging in a few times, then it took ok. You might want to try that too, if you haven’t already. I’ll check back here shortly.
I found it! Two days ago, in the Humalog thread. I loved your response, BTW! Your profile shows that you logged in this afternnon (10/24) at 4:03 P.M. Now I’m really curious as to why you can’t see the threads. While I shoot Matt an email, if you can, run your virus scanner, etc. - just in case that could be the issue. I’ll get back with you soon as I hear back from Matt. It could be in the morning though. I’m also going to send you a PM over there. Check after while and try again.
Yeah, they are not very open to low carb or anything “different.” I think the attitude here is much friendlier for everything!
Judith, I’m so sorry that you had that experience. We do have some low carbers over there, mainly on the Type 2 board, and some on the Type 1 board. For myself, I go from 79 grams to almost 200 grams per day, with an average of about 112 grams per day. I do more grams of carbs, because I am limited on protein, with my kidney disease.
If you ever come back and give another chance, you can send me a PM any time you want.
Trisha, Kelly, all: Thanks. I finally got the email to the webmaster (Trisha was way ahead of me on that–Matt) and he fixed it. He had banned a solicitor (maybe the movie that was removed) and inadvertently got me caught in it. All is well.
Those boards got kind of funky for awhile when they were first “updated” and lots of people were abondoning them, which is how I got her. Recently, I checked them out again. Better, but still kind of stuck…
Bravo to all! Thanks so much!
Judith, I have to presume you are T1. I see Trisha has answered for that part of the ADA forum.
I joined their T2 forum several years ago. Actually, I was dared to join by a T1 on alt.support.diabetes who treated all advice and guidelines on the ADA web-site as though they were pages of the gospels. He has regretted doing that ever since
Over those years the prevailing attitude on the T2 forums has changed quite dramatically, from generally following the old ADA “high whole grains with low-fat and medicate to combat that diet” mantra to what I call a low-spike philosophy on eating. That generally means lower carbs; it definitely does for me.
The old-timers there (including myself) try hard to foster YMMV and “whatever works for you” so we try to ensure that no-one genuine gets flamed regardless of whether they eat Vegan, low fat, low carb or whatever. The flames are reserved for snake oil sales people, Barnard/PETA/PCRM devotees or religious and political nutters and their ilk.
On log-ins, I have had some problems during the change to their new system but I’m living with it. It is certainly a smoother change-over than their disaster a year ago but there are still some glitches.
Cheers, Alan, T2, Australia
Everything in Moderation - Except laughter
I had hung out there for a while but got annoyed by the regular, unannounced and disruptive to membership “updates” to the system that seemed to shut it down every couple of months. They don’t seem to have those here and there’s enough traffic to keep it very entertaining. I still miss people there that I don’t see here but I have enough chores that I don’t look for a message board to offer more.
Judith, just so you know, I haven’t been back there in ions. I like TuD a lot better. There was too much nastiness going on over there and they just let it go on & on before they would stop it. TuD is a more blended community and I like that better - I can learn about other types and not stay in my own little corner.
Well, buddy, I better be one of those that you miss!
Well, perhaps I should comment. I am a member over there. That is a very different community and in my view it has “issues.” It is basically unmoderated, namely the “crowd” defines the socials norms and the actual moderator only weighs in as a last resort to enforce rules. Despite having more members than tudiabetes, the “active” community is far smaller and the leaders in that community believe that the purpose of the forum is to help newly diagnosed diabetics. As a result, many active discussions are with newly diagnosed and those seeking help. The active members try to help those people. It is generally not a forum for ongoing discussion with veterans, like here. I have watched as various people have tried to participate and been royally flamed, often when they jump in to offer advice and don’t defer to the “old timers.” The only reason I am still there is that I have a thick layer of vaseline on my back, I know what I am talking about and I don’t take cr*p.
I had a particularly memorable interaction with the moderator in a discussion where he told me to not respond to discussions with a newly diagnosed and let other more “senior” members respond first. I suggested that there was not “right of first response” and that he should stick to his own terms and conditions. I won that discussion, but it made clear the tenor of the community and I expect few survive the process. Today, I think I am “tolerated.” People like Alan_s and Trisha have made particular efforts at welcoming me. And there are certainly advocates of low carb diets, but there are still flareups of declarations that low carb diets can kill someone who is using insulin.
I am also a member over there, and still check in every day. I just choose to ignore the “infighting” and concentrate on the posts that are helpful. I found the site just about hree years ago when I was diagnosed T1 at age 59, and it probably saved my life. By the way, I have always enjoyed your posts.
Hey bsc, I was over there when someone questioned one of your posts (and your integrity) and someone came to your defense (was it Kelly?) and said you were highly regarded on the Tudiabetes board, so that prompted me to check this site out, and I joined it right away. I abandoned the ADA boards, but recently returned because of an email from Matt inviting me to come back to the “new and improved” site, but I still prefer this one because there is so much more activity. I was never flamed over there, but I did see it happen often to others, and didn’t like it.
Thanks to you and suezq1949 for your kind words. Now that you mention it, it was Kelly WPA that came to my defense. She is a true friend.
Indeed she is, I was pretty sure it was her.
I just read this …before supper and getting ready to travel to Toronto, ON , CDA’s NAGM tomorrow AM …
Dear Judith …my ALL BEST Supporter …hugs
I’m fascinated seeing some of the comments here. And a bit disappointed.
It’s as though I was reading about a totally different place to the one I know. I suspect Trisha feels similar but I’m sure she can speak for herself.
I am on several forums, groups and message boards. Every forum has it’s good and bad aspects and also it’s good and not-quite-so-good contributors. The quality of both forums and contributors vary over time. Each has it’s niche and helps many diabetics. I believe criticisms should be kept in house; the only group I have ever disparaged on a different forum is a Yahoo group that does not allow discussion of diet or weight loss.
This thread is unique, because it specifically comments on a different forum for a good reason. I don’t mention the faults of other forums unless there is a special need, as there clearly was for T1Forever in starting this topic. Otherwise I rarely mention the benefits or problems of one forum on another because I consider it a discourtesy to both forums. In my opinion TuDiabetes is one of the best diabetes forums on the web; but so is the ADA forum and so are several others.
I’ll leave the discussion on that note, but I will stay on all of the forums.
Cheers, Alan, T2, Australia
Everything in Moderation - Except laughter
Alan has a good point. Each of the forums have their own flavor and issues. And in all these cases, the forums reflect the community that participates and how it is run. And that can vary widely. I have permanently left other forums, been outright banned or taken breaks when I get frustrated. Tudiabetes has its own issues as do the other forums on the net, some of them I will not visit again.
That being said, I have not minced my words in the ADA forum and will continue to speak my mind. And like Alan I intend to stay on the ADA forum.