People say the most stupid things!

After 12 years with diabetes i’ve sorta got used to the whole ‘can you catch it’ and ‘diabetes is where you’ve eaten to much sugar right?’ but its very surprising how people are so ignorant about what it is to be diabetic even to the extent i was taking in my classroom the other day and we were talking about Jade Goody dying and someone said about cant she just die now to which we all said that was a foul thing to say to which someone said to me ’ it doesn’t really matter what you think holly, you’ve got diabetes your going to die young anyway’ that was like a smack in the teeth, i thought i could brush it off but when someone says that to you it so foul, do i calmly walked out the classroom outside and just burst into tears, so many people have it and still no one knows about it, i think there isn’t enough awareness about type 1 diabetes

wow, Holly, what an idiot. People sometimes just have no clue how what they say effect others. I’ve been diabetic 40 years, so feel free to have that individual give me a call and I’ll explain it. I’ll be sure to use small words so they can understand.

Hi Holly.I’ve been a type 1 for 24 years now and so far have no adverse effects.Some people are totally ignorant of Diabetes and they say things that are so stupid.I like the one "Oh, your a diabetic?"Then that means you can’t have sugar,right?"DUH DUH DUH!

I don’t think the person that said that was an idiot, or stupid, or ignorant. I think she’s just a nasty piece of work who likes to put other people down. I suggest you find an opportunity to touch her or something she owns then tell your you’ve just given her diabetes.

I was in a large board meeting after lunch when I realized I hadn’t bolused. I discreetly took my pump out, holding it just under the table and counted up the units I needed. The boss, seeing I was “up to something” stopped the meeting and nearly screamed, "Are you TEXTING???’ I am a 43-year-old professional woman. “Nope, just getting some insulin,” I replied, refusing to be humiliated. He didn’t skip a beat, went back to his notes, and never apologized. My colleagues all patted me on the back afterwards, though.