Perfect vision after diagnosis?

I have worn glasses and contacts for about 3 years with the same vision. I was diagnosed in January 2008 and after that I didn’t wear glasses or contacts for about 2 weeks. My vision was PERFECT. I could read everything, I could see the news info scrolling on the bottom of my tv, it was amazing. My vision returned in 2 weeks, and had to wear contacts again as I still do this day. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I had good levels, and the only thing I can think of is the potassium in the IV fluid? I don’t know if any of the stuff in the IV could have done anything. I would love to see if there is some way to get that perfect vision back!

P.S. It was not clearer vision as compared to my blurred vision during the symptom stage, It was better vision than what I have had for 3 years.

I think they should have a study!

It has to do with the shape of our lens changing, sometimes due to the dehydration preceeding diagnosis. So, vision changes & often for the best, but it doesn’t last as the lens goes back to its intended shape.

Yeah, same here. I’ve worn contacts for 2 years, and the month before i was diagnosed my eyes got worse, and i got new contacts. Then for the next 2 weeks after i was diagnosed, my eyes were perfect. And now they are back to the way they were for 2 years.

I have been wearing contacts and/or glasses for 19 years. My eyes have never been really bad but right before I found out I was diabetic my vision was perfect. As Daniel mentioned it was better than 20/20. Of course the party was over once I got my BG under control. I asked my eye doctor about this and she said that because you BG was high it was affecting my ocular pressure so the shape of you (I believe cornea) changed shape resulting in my vision improving. Freaked me out to say the least, it was nice not having to wear contacts I will say that much.


Dear Daniel. Sometimes I called it my vision of the day. I find it chages somewhat related to the blood sugar. I make sure I have perfect blood sugar when I see my eye doctor because he gets mad if in his opinion I am not trying hard enough but I am not honestly able to make out the small blob being an A, D or E. so sometimes I just guess and if lucky he is happy.

Hi Everyone,
So glad to see this topic! I was diagnosed one month and 4 days ago, and I too experienced a (roughly) 2 week period of perfect vision after I was discharged from the hospital. Sadly, now I am back to wearing my glasses. However, I am lucky in that I only have to wear them occasionally for things like driving and reading anything at a distance. While I know I’m lucky that I only require glasses once in a while, it sure would be sweet if someone could figure out what caused those amazing two weeks of perfect vision and find a way to make it permanent!!

Blurred eyesight is a sign of high blood glucose (when you have norml eyesight) This is caused by difference between the glucose content of the lens and that of the blood. The lens contains no bloodvessels (otherwise it will block light into the eye) Glucose from the blood is now transported into the lens through the surrounding fluid. So when the glucose of the blood suddenly change, the glucose of the lens is bound to be different. If the glucose content of the lens is higher than that of the blood, the lens will try to absorb water, and it will swell. The lens now refract light differently causing a temporary shortsightedness. It affects vision the same way as if you are wearing someone else’s glasses.
So I presume if your eyesight was better, the absorbtion of fluid into the lens probably corrected your vision problem.

Read about it here in Dr Ragna Hanas book

Hi Daniel,

I can tell you this, when I got serious about controlling my type two and brought my numbers back to normal with a healthy diet and daily exercise program, my vision improved tremendously. Apparently, being diabetic can affect certain nutrient uptake (like potassium). I’m not really sure.

Same thing happened to me, except in reverse. My vision was very blurry for around two weeks. This was 32 years ago. The doc said I was adjusting to the insulin, which probably meant that my body was adjusting to having insulin again after having little to none of it for some period of time.

Wow - that is weird. I currently wear trifocals which were prescribed when my BG was out of control and my a1c was soaring to 8.

Now that I am under tight control (knock on wood) with my new meds and watching my lifestyle more, the doctor has taken away the trifocals and just prescribed reading glasses.

I thought it was coincidental, but I think it does have to do with controlling my disease.

I don’t think our eyes will ever be perfect due to what you stated earlier, but the blurriness definitely clears!

Hi Daniel!

I had been wearing glasses since I was 7 years old. My vision had gotten progressively worse, I was at least 20/100 or worse for much of my life. I was diagnosed in my 30’s with cataracts. They were removed, one at a time (one was removed one month, then a year or so later, when the vision in the first eye improved, the other was operated on. Even after that, I still had to wear glasses.

In 2003, I was diagnosed with diabetes. As I was recovering, I broke my glasses. I noticed that I could read–everything! Including the fine print! My cousins, who’ve known me as a glasses wearer all their lives, couldn’t believe I didn’t need the bloody lenses anymore! One cousin made stand back and read things; small print, and I was reading it.

Lately, though, I’ve noticed that I need reading glasses as much as, or more than, I needed them before. Maybe the cataracts are coming back. Or maybe, like you said, it had been the potassium levels, or some other complicated medical reason. I’m thinking I probably need glasses again.

Thanks for bringing up this topic. I’m sure I didn’t provide you with any answers. I’m sorry. Maybe I helped a little. I’m sure someone will offer better answers.