Please Report TuDiabetes Website Issues

I’ve been getting that on android ----chrome as well. I assumed it was a mobile thing. Guess not.

I am guessing that it is most likely an “HTML 5, modern browser thing”, but really don’t know.

I was wondering what that was about when I got those notifications when visiting both Discourse sites & the Stack Exchange sites.

I accepted in all cases and then noticed later that when a notification would arrive for a Discourse site which I currently had open in a tab in my browser, a very small window would slide from right to left at the bottom right side of my browser window to let me know it had arrived. This happened in Chrome even when I was viewing a tab other than the DIscourse site tab, hence the value … to me.

I find this convenient. Others may find it annoying. Ya picks yuz browser & ya makes yuz choices. :wink: :smirk_cat:

I sadly suspect that there is not a fix for this, but I’ve asked our Discourse developer, in case he has any suggestions.

Waving the mouse over the post and topic does not produce the button I need. It comes up occasionally, on its own, so I will have to visit several times each day until I can post. This is very frustrating.

I’m not quite sure what is happening on your computer. However, do not “wave” the mouse back & forth over the area.

Move the mouse into the lower right hand bottom corner of the post you want to respond to. The buttons are on the bottom right hand side just above the separator line from the post following the one you want to respond to.

Let the mouse hover in this area. The response buttons should then show up with the one the mouse cursor is hovering over highlighted/selected. Then select the button.

If that doesn’t work, could you possibly post a screen capture of what is happening on your computer?

How do you search for a keyword? For example, I’m trying to find posts that deal with skydiving and how to manage BG’s, since my hubby wants to try it. But the “Search” field in the upper right is grayed out and won’t let me type anything. Help?

strange. search text box works here on firefox browser

I have the same thing on the home page, but when I go to a different page and click on the magnifying glass, a search box comes up.

While there is a search box on the home page it doesn’t function. If you visit the discussion forums you should find that the search box works. I think the capability to search on the home page is still under development.

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For @Emily. Can’t find my request about the site software (WP, discourse) and your response except in my email, but I want to thank you for your answer. It could not have been more perfect. Simple yet clear.

I, along with everyone else, hope that the site providers get all the glitches worked out soon. And I am sure that all the admins do too! In case I posted in a different thread, I asked for an explanation of the WP/discourse pairing issue. And Emily gave an answer that even I could understand! Thanks again.

When using a Mini IPad I am not able to enlarge the page once I am in a discussion. This is troublesome for people with eye issues. Will this change?
Thanks for any advice.

Nellje, @Emily_Coles responded to and answered your question where you asked the question which was in Emily 's “Website Update: second week” topic/discussion. I have linked to Emily’s answer below so people can follow the link to read her complete answer if they want to.

A note about the @ operator. You have to use the full username of the person you want to notify, not just their first name. Currently TuDiabetes has at least 6 usernames which begin with “Emily” — there is Emily Cole and five other people. The person you notified is an Emily who lived in Ottawa, Canada. She apparently joined Tu on Dec 20, 2007. Discourse does not think she has been active since her post on Dec 23, 2007.

Using the full, correct username should not be as hard as it might seem since Discourse should prompt you with a list of usernames which match what you have typed after the @. I have included a screenshot illustrating this below.


@Nellje, I’m glad my response was helpful!

HUGE thanks, @irrational_John for helping explain the intricacies of our new forum!

Ijohn, it did not prompt me for a different Emily. Had only ever seen Emily Coles on site so thought she was the only one!! Thanks. So I would need to do the at sign and emily_coles if I understand you.

Yes. If you don’t get prompted, try waiting for it. I think right now there are some processing delays and the prompt list may not be showing up as quickly as it should.

For me it is very difficult to deal with this TuDiabetes Website Issues as it is just too long. Is there any summary page - best as a table - where I can see which issues are mentioned already, are worked on or are solved? The last one would be a good information in case the issue comes up again despite the fact that it was considered solved.
I cannot use the LogIn button on the site TuDiabetes Forum. It leads me to a pure text page with 503 failure message or just keeps the page as it was. Very annoying as I cannot check for only new posts this way.
Thanks for your support.

You can use the search function to search this topic for issues that might have been reported before. Simply go to the search function, enter the term, like “503 error” and select search this topic.

Dear Forum admins Please check your settings for Profile Links **On login and using left Hamburger(categories)

My Profile is linking to
TuDiabetes Forum , gives error below.
[The page you requested doesn’t exist or is private.]

THey are pointing to old website urls or incorrect new ones.
Instead of

All links on after(post/pre) login page
1.(Discourse icon) G facing upwards
2. (eyeball/(watching icon) and
3. (.categories icon) /// , = 3bar, hamburger


forum / t / “topic-name” / “topic-number” (####) , displays ok

At the moment TuDiabetes has around 14,256 usernames/accounts and only a handful of admins. Just checking “at random” is not going to be very effective.

Could you point to one or more usernames which have this problem? I spot checked a few and did not see anything wrong … maybe I missed it?

I’m not sure you are trying to say here. Could you edit your post and provide a little more explanation to clarify what you meant?

Are you saying that links to member profiles in forum posts are broken? As iJohn said, if we have an example we can ask the team to look into it. But we also have to realize there will always be a mismatch between the old style links and the new approach which is the “@user.”