Pod fell off after shower

My son took a shower this evening and the pod fell right off his arm. We put the pod on yesterday, so it wasn't a new one or anything. Would Skin Tac help keep it on in the shower?? What about while swimming ... we are in the pool and at the beach a lot in the summer and now I'm worried. :/

I buy this tape Kineseo or something like that for my daughter - I get it on Amason - it's not over sticky but really help to keep it on during swims and showers. You do use the prep wipes before - right?

Yes - we use Skin Tac wipes AND Mastisol spray before putting pod on. And I use kinesiotape over the pod. So far we haven't had any problems since I started using those two adhesive products AND taping it down. My daughter swims every Sunday in lessons for 30 minutes and we will be in the pool a lot this summer. By then we should have the new pods, which should be even better staying on since they're smaller and lighter!

The only time I've had a pod start to fall off in that way was when I was doing a lot of physical exercise and sweating a lot; for several hours. Eventually the adhesive started to fail. I secured it with an elastic bandage (it was on my waist) and that kept it on until it expired.

I've never had any problem with showers or spending pretty much all of the day by the pool. The adhesive seems to be totally waterproof, unless the water is actually oozing out of my skin.

When I attach the pod I used quite large amounts of (US) iso-propyl alcohol ("rubbing alcohol; elsewhere propanol) to clean my skin - I buy litre bottles and spray it onto a cotton pad then clean my skin pretty much everywhere I might slap the pod.

This seems to work very well; the only thing that causes it to come loose is sweating. Physical stuff that will detach it, like hitting a door frame or simply getting dressed too fast, invariably rips the adhesive fabric rather than detaching the glue.

John Bowler

Skin Tac has made all the difference...really helps keep the pod in place for 3+ days. I swim without a problem.

jacob uses a tegaderm strip over his pod on his arm sometimes not always he does say he is mindful of the pod when he is in the shower not letting the water run over it too long, but with tegaderm he usually does quite well swimming, for the beach we prefer to have it on his leg or belly i think arm would be too vulnerable in waves. sorry for the trouble, kyle must of been annoyed,there is some trial and error in the beginning as they become more aware of something extra on their body. jacob really cant just jump into the pool always careful....unfortunately....

This WAS a new pod. :( But, we only had two samples of the Skin Tac so this pod didn't have it. I just got the shipment in the mail, so I will definitely use it on the next pod change. Is Skin Tac the same as prep wipes?

Well, this is the first pod that I didn't use the Skin Tac. So hopefully the Skin Tac is the key to keeping it on in the shower. So the Tegaderm is waterproof? I was worried that if a 10-15 min. shower takes it off we will never make it through swimming. We have a pool and swim quite a bit.

Is there a product that you can put on just to protect it during the shower and then remove without much problems? I hate to have to tape down something else. We have Opsite Flexifix that we have to cut to put around his CGM ... I'm sure we could use that on his pod too, but it's hard to get off. :(

I sometimes sweat mine off doing yard work. These help for that: http://www.bands4life.net/ But not sure if they'd be good in the shower. I've just learned to be careful in the shower and keep water to a minimum on the pod spot while in there.

i think the opsite is similiar to tegaderm once it is on is stays on until the pod comes off but no more trouble removing than the pod itself, surprisingly swimming is not a big deal with the pod but excessive jumping or rough housing in the pool can be! jacob uses skin tac just in the summer. we had lots of pods that "fell off" in the beginning days extremely rare now, awareness, awareness....

I used the Opsite around the edges of the pod this time and it didn't come off in the shower. YAY! BUT when we removed it (time for a pod change) it wasn't sticky underneath the edges of the pod & it was all wet (the very middle was still dry and sticky). I guess his skin just isn't sticky. Looks like we're going to have to use the Opsite and Skin Tac. Do you think putting the Opsite around the edges is good OR should I try to go over the pod to hold it down??

i just started my new omnipod today, we used alcohol wipes for site then IV prep, sticky stuff, is this the same as Skin Tac? If not, can you please let me know where we get Skin Tac...is that the best thing to use? THANKS!

Our CDE said to either use IV prep or Skin Tac. She gave us a sample of Skin Tac, but I just hoped we weren't going to need it. Well, we're using it now and it works great. I ordered mine from:

sorry didnt see this before! we put the tegaderm over the entire canula end, i feel this is the most important spot to support, it is usually a bit lopsided but i am happy if the whole top of the canualla end is supported, over the top also. he just had an arm go bad, bloody canuala, i was out for an hour or two and he did all the right things to trouble shoot( extra water, walk, higher bolus for morning snack) and when i got home he was 390 before lunch and he casually said ok i guess i should change it and got to it, i wasnt even upset he had a bad pod because he handled himself so well, of course it was nice it was a sunday with nothing much else going on, not sure what he would of done at school. but anyways such is the life, hope things continue to go well for you guys! amy

Check out bands4life.net....we haven't had any problems with the pod falling off yet - but Jared does wear one of the bands when he's very active. The bands can be worn in the water and dry quickly too.