Positive thoughts for Lois La Rose

Can we all send out some positive thoughts for member Lois La Rose who has been struggling with health issues for a while now. She is losing her wonderful attitude and could use some help. It can’t help for us all to project kind wishes her way.

Surrounding our dear Lois will all my positive thoughts for her complete healing.

Lois, we love you!

Thanks, Gerri…of course I meant that it can’t “HURT” for us to send our thoughts out there…

I didn’t even notice that:)

Good wishes dear Lois:) I send you all my positive energy for a quick healing.

HA! Spotted this! Thanks. One of the best things is for me to find something funny like the one about doing stupid things with your pump/infusion sets.


There’s our girl! Maybe the positive vibes are working already.

I just need to be reminded that there are funny things out there that I can laugh at. AND also some sadder things happening to good people too. There but for the grace of God go I.


If you want my personal numbers or address, please put in a reuest on my home page.




Wishing for the best for you Lois. Read your blog, quite a story. All my good thoughts for your foot.

Thanks, Keith. I do spin a good yarn, don’t I? That’s the only way I can handle this since any reasonable person would say “phooey, she’s full of hooey!” To my credit, even I don’t have such an imaginative imagination!!! Can you believe all this cr*P?

Love you all. I just need to know that I would be missed a little bit if I fell off the edge of the world or that someone would be nearby to catch me!


Oh, Lois…you know we are all here for you. I wish you lived nearby. How are you feeling today?

Heres another postive thought for her!!! Hope it help !

Keep your stick on the ice, Lois : -)

Feeling pretty good today even if it is snowing and we may get 12" before it’s done! I had to go out to the Milwaukee County Transit Plus office today to requalify for my paratransit service. It really didn’t take too long because it was a formality. My disabilities are not going away anytime in the near or far future.

Got some lovely old pics from a friend today and it brought back good memories and a sadness of Cinnamon’s death. My bestest buddy in the whole world.


I thought that was four!
