Problems with Infusion Site?

I'm a new pumper (started on the Ping last week). I've been using the InsetII so far and make a change every 3 days. I'm noticing that the first day all is fine and dandy. On day 2, infusion site starts to itch and become uncomfortable. By day 3, I can't wait to take it out. Does anyone else have this experience? Am I doing something wrong? Or not doing something?

I had this same problem when I started pumping. Even though I no longer use animas. I still have the same problems with my minimed pump infusion sets. I just had to make an adjustment to change every two days. Also, contact Animas so they can get a new prescription for you to get enough supplies to change every two days.

I have sensitive skin and the adhesive cause a ‘burn’ feels very itchy. I change my site every 2 dyas and also use a prep wipe before insertion. I use Smith-Nephew Skin Prep Protective Wipes, but I’m sure there are other brands also.

I occasionally have that same problem. It seems to start burning when bolusing on the 2nd day. I don't know if it has something to do with the cannula moving around, perhaps in my sleep. I'm a wild sleeper so I figure it gets a little strain on it at night. Could be totally unrelated, not sure.

I"m using skin prep. So maybe I will have to change it every 2 days...not 3. Thanks for the tip :)

LOL... I'm a wild sleeper too! Hmmm.....

I have only had this problem once and I noticed that the insulin was seeping back through the insertion site. That was the only time and I only change mine every three days but I only use alcohol prep to clean the new insertion site. I have never used anything else for prepping the site.

Hi pastrygurl,

You might be having trouble with the teflon catheter. I had this problem, and have seen plenty of posts from others on TuD with the same situation. You might want to try switching to a steel catheter (Animas Contact D). Steel doesn't tend to cause as fast of a defensive reaction (itching, burning, pain, etc.) by the body. An added bonus with steel is that you can remove it if its starting to itch or hurt, moved it to a new spot and reset it. All you need is some tape to hold the catheter/cannula in place, and you're good to go. I do this all the time and can get a good 4-5 days from each infusion set.

You should ask your Animas sales representative for a sample of their various infusion sets (90 degrees, angles, teflon, and steel) so that you can give them all a try. If the Animas brands don't work, you could try some various other brands too, so long as that have the standard luer lock for connecting to your Animas-brand insulin reservoir. As far as I know, only the Minimed supplies won't work because their luer lock is brand-specific, that is, it only works with other minimed products.

Good luck, Mike

It also sounds like you might be having allergic reaction to the infusion set adhesive. is the site red after you remove your infusion set? good luck and keep us posted

I’ve had this problem, one thing that helps is to make sure that the IV prep is dry before inserting your set.

Thanks Mike. I'll try a few different types and see how it goes.

Hi..the adhesive part isn't red or itchy. It's the actual part where the cannula is (looks like a very red dot when I remove the infusion set). I used to wear the i-Port without any issues, so, I'm a bit surprised that I'm finding this irritating...

I'm wondering if it is the skin prep. I used to have the i-Port and only used alcohol swipes. So far, I've been using skin prep.... I'll stop using it for a few changes and see if that makes a diff...