what was your first pump class like?
Well, I went to my Training appointments with my CDE, if that is what you mean… My first session went well. We had a cup of tea, explored what the pump will change, how to use it, and what I should rwad and be aware of before I start. I was sent home with a Saline trial OmniPod on.
do you like tubing?
I haven’t used a pump with tubing. A very close friend of mine wore a tubed pump and I knew off the bat that I wanted a pump, but that tubing wasn’t for me. I am such a spontaneous person, and practically live in the lake all summer, I knew th e
what pump do you have?
I have the OmniPod
if it’s the OmniPod, do you like it?
I love it. It is my first pump ( I was diagnosed about 9 months ago) And compared to shots it is so fabulous. I didn’t dislike shots that much… but now that they are no longer a part of my day, I couldn’t be more pleased. My metabolism is such that I like to eat 4 or 5 small meals a day, and with shots, it was just too many injections. Now, I can eat when I want, and work easily around my crazy college schedule.
do you love your pump?
Oh boy, do I love my pump, or do I love my pump? More than the convenience, I really love the control. I love that when I excercise, when I party, when I’m sleeping, when I’m stressed, I can stay in control. A pump is not a get-out-of-jail-free card, I still spend just as much time on my Diabetes every day, but not hovering around trying not to touch anything in a dirty bathroom stall… THAT is nice.
is tubing as bad as i think?
No. It is the better choice for a lot of people. It is very discrete, the infusion sets are hardly visible under clothing, and you have flexibility in infusion sets and cannula angles and such…
your #1 pro and #1 con of pumping?
Con: Visible under clothing, and the OmniPod, if it is torn off, cannot be replaced…you have to put on a whole new Pod, and depending on how long you’ve been wearing the pod you may lose the insulin…