Okay so I'm going to start my Minimed Revel 523 either next week or the following week. That being said, after speaking with the medtronic rep today, she does not want to start both at the same time, or even the same week. I think thats total "bs" if you ask me. Again, she is the expert though.
I think my doctor (type 1 himself) would have no problem with me starting both at the same time. Anyways, is there anyone out there who started both of these at the same time, either with minimed or another company?
I think that the rep is just "lazy" and doesn't want to spend a lot of time with me. Ha, maybe it's just stuborn me, but who knows.
Anyone think that the CGM and pump can start at the same time?
Tim I have the MiniMed Paradigm pump amd CGM. I started my pump and CGM the same day.
It took a little time to do the trainning for both but that was okay with me. The rep did not want to start both on the same day and my doctor was against that. My doctor wanted me to start both before I went back to school. So they talked it out and I started both at the same time.
I am not sure if it is about lazyness on the part of the " trainer " … I started pumping in 2001 ( as a 61 year young person ) and I don’t know, if I could have handled doing both at the same time : CGMS for about 4 years now …I am glad my training were a two part affair with several years in between …but who knows for sure
i totally understand the logic from both points of view on this issue. I still feel that I can do this all at the same time. I consider myself to be pretty good with “gadgets” and things like that. That being said, i’ve never had a pump or CGM.
I’m going to try and sell it to the trainer as a two part session. So that way we start with the pump, break for lunch, and do the CGM in the afternoon. Honestly, I’m more excited for the CGM than the pump which is why I want to do this all at once. Oh yeah, besides the fact that I’ve had both pieces of equipment for … 4 months and I’m only starting now haha…
Are you being started by the rep or by a Minimed CPT? That may make a difference in when Minimed sends out CPT’s they have pretty strict criteria in terms of billing and hours allowed per session. You’re not billed but the CPT is paid for their time by Medtronic this is their livelihood. By doing it this way you’re asking the CPT to work for free because they won’t be reimbursed for the time to do both the pump start and the CGMS only one or the other. That’s not fair either.
However if you’re being trained by the company rep and not a CPT then they get paid no matter how long it takes so I’d say go ahead and push for it if you think you’re ready.
On the other hand pump start is usually rather overwhelming for a lot of people and learning how to manage blood sugars with either pump or CGMS is another whole ballgame than doing things on shots. Each component can be overwhelming in and of themselves even for people who know their stuff. It took me a couple months to figure out what to do with all the data from the CGMS and that was after I had been pumping for several years. I personally would recommend doing them separately. Even if the two sessions are only a few days apart it may make things go a lot easier. Especially if the CGMS is being persnickety which it can be. It doesn’t always go smoothly.
Irregardless being prepared ahead of time will help a lot. Do the pump school online play with things etc.
Good luck with your pump. I can’t imagine being without one now.