Just saw a post asking about your daily bs average.
For the last 5 years, I test once a day and I’m on a pump, always at breakfast then I consciously bolus for everything I eat all day. My last a1c was 6.8. Are there any other t1 pump users out there who test only once a day? If I feel weird then yes I’ll test more than once but it isn’t often. I’ve had t1 for 25 years this October, no side affects yet. I used to test more often and I found it just made me more neurotic and I had worse control because I was correcting for every variance in my blood sugar. I guess I’ve just chilled. Anyone else out there experiencing the same thing? Testing once a day and being okay with it and having a decent a1c?
That’s very interesting
Awesome Kitty ..This posting shows we are all different ??!! ...My GP from a few years back , would have loved for me to respond 1 strip daily ..however that's not so for me .
Hi Kitty, I test several times a day, I'm on mdi. I would not be able to funciton on one test a day, I have too much fluctuation and I wouldn't feel safe taking insulin without knowing where I was bg wise. I'm glad this works for you though and you seem to be doing ok. I do very tight control of my bg for a lower a1c.
I've been 'on' a pump for 8 years & test 8+ times a day. I will say that I don't use my Dexcom anymore because I would test more each day so I could get that flat line on the graph & felt it wasn't worth it. My last a1c was 6.4, so I can live with 8 tests a day.
I test 12 to 18 times a day. I stopped using the Dexcom because of the inaccurate readings I was getting.