I currently wear a sports bra and stow my Medtronics down the front (I am lucky in that it naturally becomes hidden when I do this!). However, my bras are wearing out and I find I can feel it 'slipping' down, also I'm concerned about water damage--none yet but I have heard stories. So I want a bra with a pocket in the front center...but the pocket must be placed so it is INSIDE the bra, that's the only way it will stay hidden for me. I e-mailed the company but they were not able to provide any photos, and they only do exchanges no refunds. I have been spending $ on bras with no luck for a while now, so...I thought I'd ask here! Anyone tried this bra out? If so, is it obvious you've got the pump in the pocket?
Thanks so much, looking forward to hearing from you!
Sorry, no advice on the bra. However, I find that when I use my Spibelt in the hot weather with my pump that I get a lot of condensation on it. Can’t be good for the pump IMO.
I use an amphipod belt that has pockets that hold all sorts of goodies. I've had issues w/ the pump getting hot (*BUTTON ERROR*) and also cold (screen starts to fate, probably not recommended by manufacturer?) but most of the time, particularly for longer runs in challenging conditions, I'll use the belt and stick it in the pocket. If it's more moderate, I just clip it to the belt.
Another useful tool that Jerry Nairn (50+ marathons...) suggested in a thread at the marathon group is Race Ready Shorts. They have 5x mesh pockets and two roomy, velcroed "key" pockets that will hold all sorts of stuff, including a mesh pocket that will hold a One Touch Ultra Mini.
I made a little cotton pouch for mine, because of course, it gets sweaty otherwise... it took about 5 minutes to make and works so well that I now have a few to switch out so that I can wash them every day