I recently got a new Tandem T-Slim to replace my old one. I use the t_connect app on my iPhone. It’s convenient, and I like being able to bolus from my phone. However, about 50% of the time when I open the app it has lost connection with my pump. If I can’t get it to connect I have to pull out my pump for access. Annoying, but not a really big deal. But if this happens with a Mobi, I think there is no way to use the pump, or see the cgm numbers? Is this correct? Does the Mobi have a better connection rate with whatever is receiving the data? I didn’t get the Mobil for other reasons (I use a lot of insulin, and it won’t last me the full three days) but this is a more serious problem.
I don’t have much trouble with that, just once an a while. My work around is to open Dexcom app usually the BG reading is available. Go back to Tandem all insert BG and bolus as usual.
I always have the pump on the same side as Dexcom and the pump face must never face the body. The Bluetooth signal radiates from the screen and will never see the sensor.
Or get current BG from my watch.
I had signal loss alarms just now because my cat, Manny, was laying on me and the pump. Decom never lost connection.
I do see that the pump is disconnected frequently, but it’s fully justified. Since the iPhone isn’t my primary device, I’m often out of Bluetooth range of it.
It’s a very simple fix, though. Just have to swipe down from the top of the screen, which forces the app to refresh. It reconnects instantly.