Tandem connect

I have my tandem and dex and they are working nicely. My dexcom ap works neatly all the time with no interruptions. Only when I leave my phone someplace. But it always picks right back up.
My tandem connect however doesn’t collect data unless I open it and look at it. And sometimes it still won’t get the data.
I have it set up to be on all the time but it just doesn’t.
Has anyone figured this out.
I have an iPhone 10
Brand new tslim brand new dexcom.

I’ve had good luck with t:connect mobile app the last week (android), but today was not working. Each time I tried to open app it immediately exited.

So I just re-installed, and re-paired it with new code from pump, and now working again.

Last night I logged into web Connect, not sure if that is related to my mobile app needing re-pairing. But also did a sensor restart, from pump, so there were several hours without dexcom readings.

Both yesterday and today had unexpected situation, now that I’m trying Sleep only at night. So daytime, C-IQ will do bolus for high BG. The app shows this. But in both cases, I had also responded to high bg with extra insulin with meal bolus. Missed seeing CIQ bolus at first, but app showed the dark “drop” on timeline, just prior to my manual one, but I almost missed seeing details in app and found on pump first when IOB looked too high… Had to go to pump screen, history, bolus, bolus history. Then I see my bolus, and C-IQ bolus detail. On app screen, the CIQ bolus is a black “drop”, hiding behind my bolus (blue drop 2.5).

I have iPhone 6, Dexcom G6 and Tandem T:slim pump with B-IQ. I use three APPs: Dexcom, t:connect and Sugarmate. The t:connect continues provide BGs, while Dexcom BGs are not available during the “waiting up to 30 minutes” period. Not sure how does t:connect do it. The t:connect also provide IOB information, which is nice to have. The Dexcom and Sugarmate don’t have IOB. The Sugarmate provide +/- BGs between the current BG and the last BGs. This is a nice feature, so that you could see the BG rising rate and take action accordingly.

The Sugarmate is linked to Dexcom and it works only when Dexcom is working, while t:connect is not linked to Dexcom APP.

I downloaded this new app last month. For me it’s just another tool to help. I do check it before I do a correction to make sure the pump has already done one. I love the black drop for Control IQ vs blue drop for my bolus. I helps me to keep from stacking. I do love that the pump just doesn’t it’s thing and I don’t even know about it.
I did also lose the connection. I just called and asked if I needed to unpair and than pair it back up. That is the course of action but I think they need us to call these issues in so they can track them.
I don’t have this app running in the background. I just open it when I need it, so I don’t think I am helping much here. Sorry!

I’m not asking this as a criticism, I’m just merely curious… I personally haven’t found much use for the app yet, not until they add pump control to it… Then I’ll be through the room excited!

Can you explain how this is helpful to you? It sounds more difficult to me than just getting that info direct from the pump. If I go to the bolus wizard, it knows my IOB and BG, and will autofill a recommended dosage to get me back to target. That right there avoids the stacking and does the math for me. It’s usually only a fraction of a unit, but I always go ahead and deliver it. What an I missing that you get from the app? Since Control-IQ can only deliver 60% of a correction bolus, don’t you always need to manually add more and pull out the pump anyway? (Note, I’m sleep mode 24/7, so it’s a moot point for me). I guess I care about how much more insulin I need, and not so much about how much has already been delivered. How is seeing the amount of bolus already given useful? Is there a flaw in the pump’s math you don’t trust, or is there more to “stacking” than just IOB for which this info matters? I’ve always just equated it to rage bolusing for stubborn highs, rather than letting the IOB do it’s work.

It’s interesting as we use apps and data differently. I think it’s because we first try an app and somewhat by accident stumble on things we like whereas someone else stumbles on other data and uses it differently. I have two T:Connect apps on my phone. One is simple and the other I can customize and see much more in depth data including a reporting option. For the simple one, what I think is being discussed here, I use it when I want to see what Control IQ is currently using for a basal. For example, I set my basals really high but Control IQ mostly (but not always) ignores them and sets my basal to keep me in range. Right now my basal is set as 1.9 but my BG is 88 and control IQ has my basal at .221. I can see this with two clicks on my phone. I rely on 24-hr sleep mode to keep me low and also protect me from going too low. The other app is great but I use it weekly or monthly for analysis.

I quite agree it will be a fantastic tool if pump control was there. Hopefully that’s in the works. In the meantime, I do find it useful for a quick look at IOB and whether B-IQ is active before I try an audio bolus. I could get this from the pump, but it’s not always convenient to pull the pump off my belt, extend the tubing, take a quick look at the screen and then put it all back just to get this basic info. Especially useful when I’m in a meeting. I can get everything I need about BG value and trends from the Dexcom app, Sugarmate app or the corresponding complications on my Apple Watch.

Thank you. This description makes total sense to me. My pump lives right under my nose, practically. All I have to do is glance down and tip the screen. The idea that the pump itself might be more of a pain in the butt to access than opening an app up wasn’t in my experience database.

@rcarli Your Control-IQ setup sounds identical to mine, but your usefulness info didn’t click until I read Payton’s comment because most of the critical info is on the pump’s homescreen, and the extra details you want are only one touch away, when you tap on the upper right corner to get to the “current status” screen.

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Paytone, you put it better than I did. I would rather tap on the homepage of my phone and see the current basil than access my tslim pump. By the way how do you do an audio bolus?

It’s that tone thing you can cycle on and off. When it’s on u get audio cues to what buttons you are pressing while your pump is hidden. It draws more attention than just pulling it out though.
Most people think my pump is a phone. With my mm pump people thought I had an old pager from the 90s.
Few people pay that close attention to what we are doing. I work at a very regulated environment and we can’t look at out phones when walking or while in the lab.

So Ive been approached by security a few times for looking at my pump to check my sugar or bolus before lunch.

Still they know now and it’s not been an issue. Maybe just being older makes a difference but I really don’t care who sees it anymore.

When I was younger I would take my pump off and switch to injections while on a date. But then again sometimes I would get a dot of blood on my shirt from syringes so it really didn’t work out so well.


Tandem calls it “Quick Bolus”. I’d take a look at the pump manual or their website for directions. It’s easy, but the explanation would take quite a few words.

@Timothy - you can set the feedback to “vibrate” to make it a bit less conspicuous. I generally use it if I’m in the car or when it’s difficult to take the pump off my belt.

Thanks I recall reading about that.

I used this all the time on Medtronic, and was glad to see Tandem had it too. Seems like sometimes I can do it without touching 1-2-3, other times I need to.

It won’t let you quick bolus if you have a notification waiting to be acknowledged…