Quick ? for pump users

i’m fairly new to the pump (mm 630g) - and i’m just wondering if anyone has any problems with sleeping on the infusion site? Or problems if a particular pair of jean’s waistband lays right on the site and is sort of tight?

I don’t think I’m having any delivery issues or problems - but I just can’t stop thinking about it :confused:

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I was worried about all that stuff when I first started on a pump, but mostly haven’t had a problem. Never had an occlusion or other problem from sleeping on the infusion site. I have very rarely had an occlusion from the tubing getting crimped under my clothes, but at most maybe 3 times.

Of course a lot depends on the kind of pump–tube or tubeless, e.g.,–and some are known for having hypersensitive occlusion alarms.


I go out of my way to keep the insertion site above or below say the waistband of jeans as it one, makes it sore/irritated and two, is just waiting to get ripped out if caught right by the waistband of jeans as you move about. I usually want it an inch higher or 1-or 2 lower…

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I have had occlusions from both sleeping on the infusion site/tubing and from clothing. To avoid this, I use sites that are not likely to be caught in a waistband (though I do tuck the tubing in), and tend to rotate sites form side to side. That way, I can plan to sleep on the side where the pump is not until I move it to the other side of my body. I try and keep my CGM sensor sites on the same side as my infusion sets as well for the same reason.

This has worked well for me, though I realize that not everyone can control which side they sleep on as well as I have been able to (most of the time).

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Long time pumper here, and no trouble sleeping. I have had some discomfort when the site is pressed by clothing, so I just choose my dress depending on where it is located. You will learn what works and won’t think about it so much after a while. Don’t worry, you’ll figure it out :slight_smile:

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thanks so much guys - darn these high waisted jeans!!! lol! :slight_smile:


I do as much as I can to keep infusion sites away from tender body areas. My only exception is that every once in a while I’ll put a site below my belly button to give my upper stomach a break.

I have the advantage of being a back sleeper, so I don’t often sleep or lean on a site at night. When I do, and I have been injured, there is usually a tingling sensation followed by an itchy and bruised feeling.

I usually replace the set, but when I don’t, the removal of of it later is followed by a gush of blood (sometimes with an infection).

This only happens once or twice a year. Don’t worry, you’ll get used to having it on. At first you will be hyper aware of it, then you’ll get to the point where you’ll know where it is without thinking–and naturally avoid bumping it or leaning on it.

I have some pants that can be worn low for when I have it sorta high up and one or 2 that have to be worn high. I try not to put it so low I might sit on it.

Happy Birthday!!!

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So my CDE encouraged me to put it on my lower belly, but I’ve found that the tubing gets pressed against my skin where my waistband sits. Is there a way to use the below the waist real estate without leaving marks on my tummy?

I swear my pants aren’t that tight but I guess any pressure is enough to leave a red line on me.

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