
I have been trying to keep an open mind, and not get down and let sugar slide due to it. But its hard because I am telling people that I am just meeting that I am Diabetic and they give me that look. Like the look that just makes it seems like your life is over, and that it must suck. And I try to explain to them that its not the end of the world. But I am starting to wondering if I am trying to tell them or just tell myself. Its just a lot harder then I thought it would be. And its moments that I realize that I will have this for the rest of my life, which really kills.

Laura, it really doesn't matter why you are telling people. If telling everyone you meet that you are D is no big deal in my book. But then again, I like you have D.

If telling a few people you meet makes them uncomforatble and helps you internalize that this is for life, let them be uncomfortable. They will either understand and get behind you and support you or they won't. That, my friend, is their problem not yours.

Yes there are going to be people who will look at you like you have a third eye or a horn. Yes, there will be some who will look at you and you know what they are thinking, I am glad I don't have that. In my mind, none of that matters. Your acceptance that you have D and your understanding of what that means is what is important.

Hang in there Laura and always remember...YOU CAN DO IT!

Short and sweet. I am 84 years old. I am Diabetic. I have had a wonderful and very fruitful life. If you take good care of yourself you will too. My best to you. Reed

Another short and sweet. Everything you are going through is normal for the big D. People's reactions are a reflection of where they are with themselves, not you, with them imaganing what it would be like if they had it. I have witnessed reactions for 51 years of having this disease. The best reaction is the one you will have for yourself, nobody else. Only you will know what it is like to live with this24 hours a day. I went through college , grad school and law school, and to me it was a part of my life as I knew life. You will adapt, adjust, and integrate living the big D with academics. It is actually something to be very proud of because it has its own demands, that are layered over other demands in our everyday life. Be proud.

In this crazy ride for me I let my life accomplishments speak for themselves. When I talk to people I casually mention what I do for a living. I am a lead software developer for one of the largest companies in the US. I tell them how I ride 12 miles on the weekends on a bike and then I tell them how I do 5 or 6 miles during the week. The conversation about me being diabetic comes up after they see me check my sugar openly. I then tell them about being diabetic. Sometimes the response I get is "man, you do more than I do and I dont have diabetes".

In time you will see that you will accomplish great things as long as you set your mind to complete them. It may take a little more time or adjustments but you will get there eventually. This is not a race but a long marathon.

take care

I understand exactly what you are saying and lately I find that I avoid telling people that I am diabetic so that I can also avoid that moment of snap judgment. I feel like there is a negative stigma around the word diabetes, especially since the whole world seems to be talking about type 2 in connection with the obesity epidemic (I'm type 1 and I hate when people don't understand the difference). It's so easy to let what other people way or think get into your head and affect your life. I'm guilty, but I try to remind myself as often that I can that it's my freaking life and I shouldn't let others get me down. (Sorry if this sounds like a self-esteem lecture). There's nothing you can do to change the way others view diabetes besides to share your own story if you want. I've taken a personal stance that if someone feels sorry for me then let them and if someone judges me then there's nothing I can do about it. I can only focus on me and stay as positive as I can. It's hard to do but it's possible. Sorry if this doesn't make a lot of sense. I feel like I'm rambling. Mostly I'm trying to say hang in there and do something fun tomorrow!

I completely understand. I was diagnosed three months ago during my christmas break from college. So coming back and having to tell your teachers, RA's, friends, and roommate that you have this life altering disease can just seem overwhelming at times. It has been really hard to adjust to the fact that I will be counting carbs, avoiding sugar, and poking myself everyday for the rest of my life. My Diabetes health Educator said that the anxiety of the disease is sometimes worse than the actual effects of the disease. I have a mantra of taking things one step at a time. It works most days, but their are times where I want to curl into a ball and just eat some carrot cake and ignore everything else!!!

I hear that it gets easier, so one day at a time I guess until carb counting and glucose monitoring become second nature :) I agree with Leanne, sometimes taking a fun day or fun hour or two is the est remedy. I visit museums or lectures and take my water bottle. The chances of there being sugary foods there are slim and I can just drink water and enjoy where I am.