Repeated "System Error" messages with Omnipod iPhone app

I have been using the iPhone app for Omnipod for the past few months and it is linked to Dexcom G6. It has been great to manage both devices with one controller rather than two. But I have had 3 “System Error” messages in the last week that required me to deactivate the pod and put on a new one. One error message came when I was attempting to enter a bolus, but the other two happened when the phone was not actively in use. Customer service has been of little assistance in troubleshooting although they do readily offer to replace the pods. I suspect that the problems have arisen due to the most recent app update and my use of an older iPhone (XR). Omnipod customer service verified that I have enough storage available, and an up-to-date iOS version installed, but I’m guessing that my old phone is no longer able to support proper functioning of the app even though it is still listed as a compatible device on the Omnipod website. I have switched back to using the Omnipod PDM for now in hopes that another app update might resolve the issue. My question: is anyone else using the Omnipod app on an iPhone (XR or newer, please provide iPhone version if you answer) receiving these System Error messages?

Omnipod “system error” messages can indicate pod errors in addition to application errors. Any chance you took a screenshot of the error? Some of the codes have been deciphered.

Your phone being an older model isn’t the problem until Apple stops releasing iOS updates for it. Expect that to happen with the release of iOS 19 in September this year and be pleasantly surprised if Apple continues to support the XR for another year.

I do have the error codes:
51-18815-02351-006 (Jan 22)
51-31100-00851-006 (Jan 18)
51-18861-09246-006 (Jan 15)

Each time I called Customer Support I was asked to upload the log files from the app, which I did. I presume that means that some kind of data analysis will take place. I’d just like to know whether I can trust the app for now or whether I need to use the PDM instead. And of course, even if these were pod issues rather than a problem with the app, there’s no doubt I’ll eventually have to replace my phone . . .

Oh, that one. I haven’t found a reason for 51-a-b-006 errors. Good news is people have been posting about it on reddit since the app was released so it isn’t something specific about the latest version of the app. @Eric2 have you seen anything on the other forum?

The second error on Jan 18, did that happen shortly after putting on a new pod? I’m wondering if the error format is the same as other pod errors.

Bit of fun, I used to work in IT, I would give someone like you who pulled the errors from the log without me asking literally anything you asked for.

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Yes, the one on the 18th was about 3.5 hours after putting on a new pod. The others occurred after longer wear - 60 hrs on the 15th and 17 hrs on the 22nd. I did see a couple of postings on reddit about 51 errors, but nothing recent and I was really just hoping to confirm my suspicion that an app update was at fault. But it may have just been bad luck to have three errors so close together. And as for the bit of fun . . . a new phone would be nice, lol.

Unfortunately I have not seen anything specific to the iPhone app.

But it appears that they are following the exact same format as the error codes used for the older pod versions.

2 digits, 5 digits, 5 digits, and 3 digits.

And that means the first 2 digits are the general type of error, like if it was an occlusion or a PDM error, etc.

And the last 3 digits are a more specific error, such as a hardware failure or a safety check, etc.

The 10 middle digits don’t really matter. They give things like how long the pod was in use, etc.

So in the case of the error codes @BugsNBones shared, they are all the same thing.

Sorry that does not help too much.

Quick update: Omnipod just called to notify me that after analyzing my log files they’d determined the error messages were the result of me scrolling or tapping too fast on my phone. Seriously? Who designs an app that fails if users scroll too fast? When I reminded the caller that on only one error occasion was I actually using my phone, she assured me they are working on an update that will correct the problem. I’ll forego the app and stick with the PDM for now.

Wow, that was a roller coaster of a post. A company actually followed up on a problem report? I was amazed! Then their reason was impossible given the information you provided and I was back to being disappointed in customer support like normal. I’d ask them to resubmit the report since the reviewer “overlooked” the fact the phone was locked.

I’m working on a phone for you but I can’t guarantee it’ll be ready before you need a new one. Or that it’ll keep up with your scrolling super power.