Hi Everyone,

I would really appreciate some help with this. I use the omnipod dash and was putting in a new site since my previous one expired. each time I load a POD with insulin and hear the 2 beeps like the screen says, I go to hit next and I get a message, “PDM cannot locate POD, move to a new area, place your PDM and POD close to each other and tap try again.” I am on my 6th POD now between last night and today. I have moved around in my house, I have turned the PDM off and on again, I’ve restarted the PDM - nothing seems to work!! I’m extremely frustrated because without a pump, I struggled hardcore to keep my blood sugars in range - not to mention I am running through supplies trying to get it to work!

I am planning to call the company tomorrow and have them fix the problem and send me re-supplies, but any insight would be so appreciated!!

Why not call now, 24x7 support.


Are u putting the pod on the left side of the pdm on a flat surface?
Call the company now to get the replacement pods.