I have started having cramping and thought something maybe not right.
So I went for u/s this morning. The baby was measuring 6 weeks and no heartbeat. It should have been measuring 9 1/2 weeks. We knew the actual dates of everything so there is no doubt that baby will not make it.
Am a bit sad, but also very matter of fact that mother nature will make sure I can have a healthy child. Waiting for the miscarriage now. Hope it doesn’t take too long…
At least I know I can get pregnant. I really hope I can be back joining you all in a month or two.
More time to work on being fit and healthy and optimising bs before baby no. 2.
So so sorry to hear this news… While I’m glad you can see some glimmers of silver lining, I know it cant be easy to wait this out, either. Hang in there, and know your hard work has been and will continue to be worth it.
Sorry to hear this sad news! Just keep working hard and stay positive. This also just recently happened to me. I miscarried at 7 1/2 weeks along. 2 days after heavy cramping and bleeding. It was so sad, yet so amazing and unbelievable at the same time. I wish you a healthy baby in the near future!
So sorry to hear the news. Many of us experience this and go on to have healthy, beautiful babies in the future. (I had two miscarriages before I had two boys). Best of luck.
sorry for your loss, I had an ectopic pregnancy back in may of this year that the doc had to remove, and got pregnant again successfully within 4 months, so just use this time to make sure your sugars are in check for your next pregnancy !