has anyone upgraded to 8.0 and knows if the dexcom app still works?
According to Dexcom list the S7 is only supported until 7.0.
Problem is that my phone wants to update everyday and I have the feeling that the battery drains faster since the update is avaible.
I just put Oreo on my S7. For a day it was a disaster. Bluetooth issues, mostly. I finally had to do a Factory Reset. That cured all the issues that emanated from the Oreo update. (I first did a number of other things such as clear system cache, clear data and caches for BT services). Battery life on my S7 is awful. Sometimes I have to carry a Jackery bar with the phone in order not to have a dead phone. I would love it if Samsung comes out with a phone no bigger than an S7 but a bit thicker with a 4000 m/Ah battery. I don’t find thinness to be the end all and be all.
It took more than 5 hours before I got the phone back to mostly how it was set up pre-Factory Reset. And I had even used Samsung Switch. sigh. I HATE doing FR’s.
I tried Dexcom on my phone today. I hate it. No widget to show me glucose and graph on a home screen. No way to transmit readings to my Gear 2 watch. Xdrip+ works great with my watch and I like how customizable it is. readings on the watch are so simple I didn’t even know that xdrip and my watch would work together–it’s simply a matter of going into the Gear Manager and enabling notifications for Xdrip+. xDrip-plus-20180614-c4f10b9.apk is the one I’m using. I accidentally downloaded a different version today because I have a hard time figuring out which one I should be downloading. _https://github.com/NightscoutFoundation/xDrip/releases_ is the page to get them. It is the June 14th build (last night).
I use an modified Dexom app that pushes my readings via openAPS to xDrip.
I would only use xDrip but I don’t know how to get the data to Dexom Clarity. As this is used by my doctor I have no other choice than to use this bridge.
If anyone knows how to get the data from xDrip directly into Clarity I would be verry happy
confused. 3000 mAh is the standard battery, so it wouldn’t be too thick. but I thought u were referring to a 4K mAh batt that will also fit inside an S7?