Yesterday wasn't that good, we were having the moms at school for mothers day and I was in charged of making a video for all the moms in my class. The video went out pretty good but the french teacher wanted me to put it all in French! And I had to stay at recess to change it, I hardly ate and when I was back at home my Blood sugar went down to 45!
And during all day long I was tired and in a bad mood, Have you ever been in a bad mood because of your sugar levels? My friends were so scared to be around me cause I was soo mad for anything! although now that I think of my reaction it makes me laugh! haha
I want to take a chance and say "Thank you" to all the moms in the world specially to those who like mine know what's like to live in this "endless war" whether if you or your kids have diabetes because she is the one who stays awake all night to check my blood sugar, she is the one who buys my medicine and taught me how to overcome every difficult situation, she is the one who cries an laughs with me in the sweetest and bitter moments of my life.
SHE is my mother.
THankss :D
"Mother" is the word of god in the lips and the hearts of the little children.