Shin splints

I’m trying to get into running but I’m having problems with my shins. Is it because I haven’t really used them in awhile or it’s something I doing wrong? I usually stretch before or after my run.

I get those too, I have been trying to work on my form, not lean forward too much when I run. And I just started icing after I run- so we’ll see if that helps. Being careful with not increasing mileage too much too is important to prevent running injuries, which can be hard if you have a day that you feel you can run farther, be careful to not push it.

I had an issue with shin splits after changing shoes and I also stopped using the insoles I had been using. Took it easy for a few days, iced, took ibuprofen, did some exercises and put my insoles back in. I also re-focused myself on landing mid-foot instead of on my heel. Problem went away.

So, I think the first big question for you is… new shoes? Do you have the correct shoes for you?

i’ve had problems with shin splints the last 3 years during basketball, but there isn’t any big problem other than the pain, but it’s just like a sore muscle, because that’s what it is.

if you ice your shins down after you run, it will help, and you might want to run on grass instead of asphalt/cement.

They are a pain. I have a couple of suggestions that have worked for me. When you start running point your toes to stretch the chin muscle when you start your run. Go the a good quality running store and get some shoes that match your feet and your movement style. The fitting process should be fairly in depth with some choices.

The big thing that changed it all for me was getting the fourth knee operation, and running was taken away from me. Then, I discovered Chi Running. Look it up on the web at This is a running technique that focuses on body position, core strength, balance, momentum and mid foot strike. Look for a local coach in your area, it is well worth the cost and time to get started off right in the beginning. You can also look for the book, Chi Running. I would not be running today if not for learning chi running, it is now a pleasure to run, even with the BG challenges.

Hey there! I have to weigh in because I do sports medicine for a living ;-)…

Shin splints are caused by the muscle pulling away from the bone - the pulling causes inflammation, irritation, pain and scarring along the inside edge of the tibia (shin bone). Often, the pulling happens because either the muscle is tight and “shortened” and when you run, the added stress pulls it away from the bone. OR, because you have slightly weak arches, falling arches, or flat feet. The muscle that is pulling away from the bone runs all the way down the inside edge of your lower leg, behind the inside ankle bone, and under your foot along the arch.

The best things to do: 1) warm up and stretch that muscle before you run (this is hard to do - you need to bring your toes toward your head, and then point them to the outside in order the stretch the inside), 2) get shoes with really good arch support (most important) or tape your arches before you run for support, 3) use athletic tape to tape your lower shins (avoiding going so high that you compress the calf muscle), 4) ice when you are done. You can also try a few weeks of NSAIDs to see if it will help.

It’s a chronic inflammatory problem that is hard to get over, but you can do it. If it still bothers you, you can go to PT for a while and maybe they can do some STIM or ultrasound to help with inflammation.

Also, check out KT Tape - its a specialized type of tape that works wonders for pain. Here’s a link to a video of how to tape for shin splints:

We use this type of specialized tape for athletes more and more - it’s amazing the benefit and pain relief…

Hope this helps!

  • R

Sometimes when I get shin splints it’s due to tight calves, so I always make sure to stretch those a couple of times a day. At other times the cause of the shin splints is a great mystery, and nothing works but ice, anti-inflammatories, and rest.