Sleep and affect on BG numbers

Good luck at the sleep lab. I’ve heard from alot of people that the C-CAP? machine they use at night makes a huge difference in how they feel.

Welcome! I feel like I’m sleeping in compared to you and Anthony!

It is all the fault of Thomas Edison without the light bulb we could have had some decent sleep.

It is amazing how all the problems are positive feedback loops where one problem makes the other worst and vice versa. This is why it is so difficult to correct health problems. and a lot of times Doctors dont help because they think it is a linear cause and effect. Not so simple unfortunately.

Don’t know if you are like me, but my sleep problems began when my kids were little and often needing me at night. My body seemed to get so fed up with rousing up again and again out of sleep that it finally refused to relax at all, and getting real sleep became a definite problem for a long time.

I definately agree with you on this. When my 10 year old was born, he had serious issues trying to control his asthma and I was up with him at least once a night, every night from birth to about 4 years of age. At that point my second son was born, so no sleep with him for a while. I’m still a light sleeper listening for them having problems breathing. Who knows when I’ll be able to relax.

lol–too true!

Hi Anthony,

I’m still wondering why (really) healthy diets aren’t taught in school and what ever happened to genuine physical education.
