Has anyone heard anything about when/if the new smaller pods are going to be available? Also, any more news on the Solo?
Just got an email that said Solo wouldn’t be coming out til 2012. No idea about smaller pods.
Last I talked with our rep. she was promising smaller pods by next summer (probably sooner). I don’t believe they’ve been submitted for approval yet. I got the feeling they’re waiting for the integrated CGM PDM to be approved and then they’re going to submit the pods for approval. I still expect we’ll be seeing smaller pods before the Solo is released.
Since Solo was bought by Roche, I wouldn’t look for it to hit the market before either late 2011 or more than likely, 2012. Their Web site says they will be at AADE in a few weeks (in San Antonio). Maybe there will be more release information available at that time (I wouldn’t count on it…but maybe).
I have heard 2 different stories on the smaller pods. One version was that in late 2010 there will be a limited release of the smaller pods and then they will be widely available in early 2011. The other version is that the new CGM-integrated PDM will come out first (in late 2011) and then the smaller pods will follow suit in early 2011. As will all things medical and especially all things related to the FDA, I’m not holding my breath. But it would be nice to get a more solid release date.
I agree. That was the same story I received. And yes, I think we will definitely see smaller pods before the Solo is released (and then there is still no definite “answer” from Minimed about when their tubeless pump would be available in the U.S.). So for now, the pod doesn’t have much competition. I enjoy my pump a LOT, but I’d sure like to see more players in the market to make sure that the company (Insulet) doesn’t become complacent or lazy b/c of a lack of a competitive market.
Last I heard on Solo was early 2012. I dont follow the smalller pod.
I’ve talked to both Solo and Insulet reps at the recent ADA conference. Solo, 2012 with hopes but not expectations for sooner. And, smaller pods have been submitted to the FDA, and I was told they’re hoping for early 2011. Unfortunately, they didn’t have a sample or even a picture of the smaller design to show, so I can’t tell you if it’s truly an improvement or not.
Our son has been using the OmniPod since Jan 2008. The reps have been telling us since we got it - now 2.5 years later, that the smaller pod is coming out - they always say by summer or fall and nothing happens. I think that getting stuff approved by the FDA takes forever and that’s why they keep telling us the same old thing. I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting. I’ve talked to some people who say they will get the OmnIPod when the pods get smaller and I laugh and tell them that they will be waiting years! :+)
I have “attended” several of Insulet’s online presentations to the financial community this year and at one point they said that their plan is to submit for approval in the 3rd quarter and that they are hoping for sign-off by the end of the year or end of the 1st quarter in 2011. The FDA recently changed their filing criteria and that has slowed things down. Insulet claims they are familiar with the new criteria and feel good about approval of the smaller pod and then subsequently the approval of the integration with DexCom. We’ll see if that is too optimistic. I would never believe anything that a sales rep tells you. They are not kept in the loop because it will impact current sales.