Sorry if this has already been discussed, but has any one heard when the smaller pods are going to be available. I had heard from a reputable source this past summer that the estimate was first half of 2011. Any news? Any pictures of the smaller pod?
So how much less insulin will they hold? I barely use 100units in 3 days and I have to change after 2 b/c of infection and scar tissue so for me that would be good actually. I just started and it has been going well sofar.
They are smaller in size but not in capacity. I believe it’s still going to hold 200 units, but the electronics have been reworked to take up much less space so that it’s a smaller unit.
Thanks for the pic Don! It says limited rollout late 2010, that’s promising. Looks quite a bit smaller. Can’t wait, love the pod, and will love the smaller pod even more!!
We were told (at the beginning of October) that they would be around 40% smaller. They were at the FDA and they anticipated approval in April 2011. He said that once approved, they would just ship on our next order.
Everything has changed. For the complete story listen to the Q3 earnings call. The FDA came back and requested a small clinical trial. Insulet will now try to roll everything into one big release: smaller pod, new PDA, DexCom integration.
There’s a rumor that a new PDM will also be required for the smaller pods. This is apparently due to the new pods using a different rf. Personally, I’d be surprised to see anything before Q1 2012. That said, I’d be happy just to get the current model anytime soon!