Hi everyone! I hope I can get a couple of people to read this and maybe help me out? I just joined tudiabetes like 30 mins ago and I’m not quite sure how everything works, so i figured ill introduce myself:)
My name is Lama, I’ve been a type 1 diabetic since '99. Dont really remember how I was diagnosed, I was too young to care i guess. I’ve been on the pump for a little over a year now and its the best decision I have ever made:).
I’ll leave the rest for other days. But I’m so excited I found this site, throughout my years of being a diabetic, i think i’ve only know 2 people that are diabetics, and one of them is my mom:P
Hi Lama and welcome to the site! This is by far the best diabetes site that I’ve ever found. I was diagnosed at 14 years old with type 1. I am the first generation to have it in my family. I also only knew one other type 1 growing up and we didnt get along much. But, now I know hundreds (thanks to this site) and in person, I’ve opened up to 3 or 4 other type 1s that I’ve reconnected with.
Hi Lama,
It looks like your doing very well already masallah.
How is the pump,I just have a fear of it like the idea of it but just some sort of weird fear that I have.lol
Well I was diagnosed at the age of 2 years old in 1986 and now I am 25 on injections four times a day at first it was hard but now things are working,getting that control back slowly.
I didn`t know any other diabetics before I done a carb counting course and met others still in contact with one of the girls but hardly see any other diabetics so this page is brilliant for that.
Welcome and hope you enjoy your time with us.xxxxxxx
Welcome, Lama! I’m a Type 1 of 27yrs…have been on a pump for the last 12 yrs. Like you, the pump has been wonderful for me. I think you’ll find a lot of great support & people who can relate to what you’re experiencing being Diabetic! Again, welcome! =)
Welcome, Lama! Here’s a New Member Guide I found very useful. I’m a Type 2, but only since Nov. 17 of 2009. Pretty new to all this. Glad to have you in our community!
And to top it off Lama : you are living in Canada :-)…maybe a solid reason to join the Canadian site as well by clicking on GROUPS and Canada is right there . There are other members from Halifax ; maybe Mom likes to join too ?.
One thing here that I’ve told other new ones here…If you want to commet back to others on their page just hit the “commit back” bar under our comments and it will take you to our pages. You can commet back to us and read a little about us at the sametime.
As for me I know where your comming from. I took Type 1 at 10 and only had one other Type 1 in my life at that time (more now) She was my 1st cousin. Now there’s more in my family (not counting this one) and my daughter is a Type 1 like her mom! She is now 21 and having her 3rd baby soon really soon!
That’s a good start, dearie. In order for people to reach out to YOU, you have to reach out to THEM. You can e-mail people and ask them questions and get into discussions. Please feel free to go to my site and reach my blogs, etc. You may be very surprised.