So a while back I joined this chat on here due to freaking out about a random high glucose reading , and everyone was like "You're probably getting sick" and I was like nahhhh not sick I feel great. 2 days later? I'm sicker than a dog. You guys were right, I was wrong.
So while my glucose levels are actually pretty normal, sometimes a little high but not like 200+ just like 150-160 mg/dL at most and most the time I'm in the 80's or 90's still and I've only had one trace ketones reading (though none since?) I'm wondering what to do now. It started with a sore throat and congestion in my chest and nose, but most of that went away other than the severe nasal congestion. I also barely have an appetite (though I do make myself eat because it's not healthy to not eat) and all I want to do is sleep. I think it might be sinus issues so I've been taking sudafed (which while I understand this isn't safe for diabetics going by google alone , it works pretty well, and my sugar doesn't seem adversely affected?) and have also been taking mucinex ...which I don't know if it's doing anything but I feel better when I take both. I'm unsure if I have a fever as we don't have a thermometer.
Should I contact my doctor tomorrow or wait a few days to see if it goes away? So far it's been 4 days so I'm thinking if i'ts not better by the 11th or 12th I'll call, but I'm not sure if this is ideal? I don't know if I should of just called right away when I got symptoms or not.
I personally have never contacted my doctor during an illness, and wouldn't bother unless I were running ridiculously high and couldn't get it down for days (by "ridiculously high" I mean 300+) or was spilling large ketones that wouldn't go away. The main issue with getting sick is that it increases your risk of DKA, but only if either of the above (high blood sugar or ketones) are present. If not, you are probably fine and just need to rest. Of course, if you think you need antibiotics or something, you could go to your doctor, but that's independent of diabetes. I hope you feel better soon!
I use more or less the same system as Jen, BG has to be completely out of line (ditto the 300+ or so) and refusing to budge, or big ketones that refuse to leave, then I call someone/go get help, but otherwise I just suffer like a "normal" sick person.
I wouldn't promote not eating for weeks on end, but if you don't feel like it and can get away with it BG-wise, I don't see why there would be a reason to force yourself to eat, at least for a couple days. Being sick is miserable enough, I try to avoid making it more so!
I'm curious as to why specifically the internet thinks we shouldn't take sudafed, it was my go-to drug for sinus problems until it got taken off the shelf (yes, it can usually be found behind the pharmacy counter, but I seldom end up at the store during regular pharmacy hours) and it never had a notable effect on my BG, which I would imagine is the only thing it could do special to us D-folk. Then again, when sick, BG tends to go up anyway, so what's the difference? I guess I disagree with the internet on that one, but maybe others have had worse experiences....?
Well the thing is, I have hunger, but no appetite, mostly because I cannot taste much of anything at the moment. I'm thinking it's sinus issues because I can't smell much unless it's a very strong smell and I can't taste much unless it's a very strong taste.
Apparently Sudafed is not good for your blood pressure and high blood pressure+ high blood sugar=problems. While I'm a tad worried about that I still want to taste food and breathe out of my nose right now. I just really hope that I can figure something out, not sure if the doctor can really help me over the phone or anything either but I guess I'll just have to see.
I have used Sudafed for years and years. Never had any problems with it.
If you look closely, almost all OTC meds say that "diabetics should not use or should check with the doctor before use." I just think it is the drug manufacturer' method of CYA, so I never worry about it.
Oh, and Jen's method is mine. Unless the illness needs an antibiotic, I never contact the doctor.
I kinda suspect it's that way but I was unsure still anyway, as this is the first time I've ever been sick since my diagnosis. The one thing I have noticed is that it seems to stick around a lot longer than when you're not diabetic. Like I highly suspect this is some allergy/sinus get what I mean. Sudafed, Advil (though only in the morning as I keep waking up with headaches), Claritin and saline mist (just got this and it really seems to help) seem to be my friends right now.
I feel like I made a mistake posting this thread because it seems like it's not doctor worthy right now but I'm not sure still as it seems to change every day and I'm not even sure what to expect when I wake up in the morning. I am pretty sure though as long as my sugar seems alright I guess it's no big deal really other than I feel like crap and I'm unsure if diabetes prolongs the sickness or what .