So im diabetic and i smoke a good amout of ganja

Just recently a diabetic but have a medical card from nerve damage from breaking my neck and bruising my spinal cord snowboarding so i smoke quite a bit , anywhere from 2 to 20 times daily depending on how im feeling. I find that it has no direct affect overall on my blood sugar one way or another if i (havent smoked, just smoked, smoked a while ago.) The “munchies” dont really affect me either so no worries their. Also enrolled in a drug trial (RETAIN) and their was no concern with interactions of medication. Acctually just got my a1c, 4.9. Dont now if its my honeymoon, the trial drug, good control or what but im happy and not changing a thing.

Also hate misconception of “pot heads”, dealt with it much in high school (people being SHOCKED when they found out my grades sat/act score) and currently i’m double majoring in business and environmental science at a very reputable university. Really do get tired of people assuming im in a rut with my life or something.

Echoes has always been my favorite. :slight_smile:

I’ll tell you what I did and how it was when I’m back. For now, thanks for all your input and greetings from Amsterdam! (The weather is great and the city is beautiful!)

In case anyone is interested, here my experiences: I had about half a muffin, which I guess was a pretty low dose as I experienced almost nothing from it. What I did experience however, was a really scary low bloodsugar. I had lowered my basal rate to 80% when I ate the muffin (expecting both to take effect about two hours later), as a precaution. The low hit me after two hours and made me drink lemonade for an hour (using something like a 20/20 rule). Seriously, it must have been 80-100gr of carbs.
So maybe the body gets used to it after a while, but for any first timer, I really recommend being prepared for lows.

I have avoided this topic because I dislike the judgey, preachy responses. I don’t like how a lot of my pot-smoking friends become lazy and irresponsible… but i suspect that is more of a personal issue that directly the pot. I used to smoke A LOT in college (hello, art degree) but stopped after i graduated. I have smoked several times in the last 5 years and it has a very positive effect on helping the nerve pain i have from peripheral neuropathy (diabetes complication) I would be a bigger advocate for medical marijuana or even just for myself if i didn’t have to SMOKE it. It’s dangerous and crappy and gross to smoke, I’d prefer tea, some sort of pastry or a vaporizer, personally. But yes, i can definitely say it’s helped diabetes complication symptoms a couple of times.