So the Medtronic rep said to me

That the new Medtronic pump is so great that we wouldn’t miss Dexcom data sharing!!

Not so sure I believe that. :slight_smile:

I know the Medtronic 670 adjust’s basal rates, but it seems like we as parents would be much more hands off with that system. We love the Dexcom and how we can always see her blood glucose in the middle of the night or when we are away from her or whenever! Not to mention it’s likely saved her life numerous times when it wakes me up for lows in the middle of the night. I’m not ready to give that up.

So I’m asking, is the new 670 that amazing?

I don’t own the 670. And I won’t get it in the future, despite being a long-time user of Med. pumps. My Dexcom is more important to me than the brand of pump, and given that the G6 is going to have some good features when used in conjunction with the Tandem X2, I’m going to switch pumps this year if things go according to reports (the timetable of the release of the G6 as well as Control IQ). I’ve had BAAAD experiences with two generations of MM sensors. I’m not going to go for a 3rd attempt. Also, I’ve seen the 670 and just plain don’t like it! In this day and age, having to scroll to get to a number is pretty lame. The current Medtronics xmitter form-factor along with the sensor, is similar to the Enlite which used to irritate and itch me. I don’t feel my G5 AT ALL. You couldn’t pay me to go back to Medtronic. I’m serious. If I couldn’t continue using the Dexcom equipment I’d be devastated–it is so freaking accurate for me. I hope the G6 continues in that vain.

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If a medtronic rep told me today was Tuesday I would look at a calendar


HAHA! Now THAT is a good one, Tony!

This seems like a huge factor in your decision. And it’s rational to me.

I have no direct 670 experience. It seems like the happiest 670 users are the people who had higher A1c’s, like above 7 or 8%. If your daughter fits that profile, she may benefit from the switch.

If your daughter is already below 7%, then you may not reap much benefit from this switch. Plus, if you’re using medical insurance to finance this, you will likely be locked out of the market for four years.

The next four years will offer some attractive closed loop tech from Tandem, Insulet, Beta Bionics, Bigfoot, and Tidepool Loop. You probably won’t like being held on the sidelines as you watch one system after another be introduced with some of them getting highly favorable early user reviews. This may be a good time to pause. Good luck with your decision!


Well, you’ve already seen some of the anti-670 responses, not necessarily from people who’ve actually used it, so there are a lot of opinions out there, pretty polarized.

I have used it, gave it a good 4-months’ effort, and while I got it more or less doing what it’s supposed to most of the time, I never did as well on it as I had done with my pre-670 regimen, so I went back to that. From my experience I would concur with @Terry4: there are people who are absolutely thrilled with it, but they tend to be people who are struggling to get into the low-sevens or high sixes. I was running about 6.5 on it by the end, but I had been doing 6.0-6.2 for years before that, so that was actually pretty frustrating. Beyond that, there are some technical issues people complain about, particularly something called the “calibration loop,” though that seems to have been solved in their latest transmitter update.

AFAIK there is still no Medt feature analogous to Dexcom Share, which you’re relying on. In theory, the 670 would make up for that by eliminating the overnight lows that are the scariest problem for parents. I would say that it can do that—at least, that’s one of the things people who love it talk about. But if you have a small child it may not make up for the psychological security of having Share on your bedside table.

Definitely more hands-off, yes, and that’s again something people who do love it say—that they’re spending a lot less time thinking about their T1. In my case I never got to that point. It always seemed to be demanding attention about something and I was struggling to get it to correct my highs adequately and the like. Also, just to be clear, it’s not adjusting basal rates as such, really it kind of does away with that concept. Instead of a fixed number of units per hour, it’s continuously adjusting “microbolus” doses, each calculated to bring you to a target BG level (120). So there’s no set “rate” as such. It’s a much closer approximation of what a real pancreas does. Getting used to all the ways that makes a difference took me a while—it takes some mental readjustment. Of course that’s going to be true for any of the looping systems that are coming online, not just Medt’s.

Bottom line for me: If I had it to do over I would have gone with the Tandem X2. Main thing for me is not just that the Tandem is Dexcom compatible—I was using Dexcom before I tried the 670 and have since gone back to it, recently upgrading to the G6 which I’m finding fantastically accurate—but the remote update capability. I think it’s absurd, bordering on obscene, that we have had to commit to a pump for 4 years and can’t access any improvements and advancements on the software side. Imagine having to replace your whole computer every time there’s an operating system update. It’s ridiculous, and Tandem so far is the only system smart enough to recognize that fact. Whereas if Medt fixes the problems that a lot of people have complained about—for instance, making the target BG adjustable or giving you more ways to fine-tune it—you won’t be able to get any of that stuff for years if you aren’t eligible for a replacement pump.

ETA: I would also say that the Guardian sensor system takes some getting used to if you’re used to Dexcom. There’s a lot of fussy taping, it’s harder to extend sensor sessions, and that whole part of the change was something I never grew reconciled to. The sensors were about the same accuracy as the Dexcom G5 (I wore both for a while, just to see), but there are other things about the system that have a higher annoyance factor.



I use and love the 670G.

That being said, if data sharing is important than i suggest you will be dissatisfied with the 670g. I will never give up a CGM, but I might give up pumping. Pick your pump on the basis of the needs you have at the moment, not based on how you might like this or that new feature.

Note: I am a Medtronic ambassador. My opinions are my own. They did not pay me to say nice things about Medtronic devices or the company. OK, they sent me a shirt and a cup but even I am more expensive than that.

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I am one of those lucky ones that is still on an Animas pump but will need to switch soon. I have gone to several promotional events where pump companies display their products. I thought I would switch to Minimed 630 but after some serious consideration I decide to keep my G4 and going with Tandem. I get emails and calls from Medtronics pushing me to make the switch before their promo with Animas ends. I felt pressured by them but wasn’t totally convinced by their persuasive efforts. So I decided to upgrade my G4 to the new G6. I so love it. I have enough faith in it that I dont carry my glucose meter anymore. At least not most of the time. I think after switching to the G6 I would never make the switch to a less reliable cgm. I’m not sure how I will get my insurance to cover the Tandem but I’m going to keep my animals till I can’t get supplies anymore. My pump is in warranty til Jan 2020. I might have to go back on daily injections till then. I can’t wait to have the Tandem pump so I can use the Basal IQ and am excited for the new Control-IQ hybrid closed loop.


@Tony24 thanks for the laugh!

So we’ve decided to go with the Tandem T-Slim for my daughter’s new pump, for the very reason that it works with her Dexcom! Plus I’ve heard that the 670 requires 4 calibrations per day, that would NOT go over well with my daughter no matter how amazing that pump is. Plus there are some great things on the horizon with Tandem and the Dexcom G6!


Wise choice! Well done!

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Elisa - Me too (Animas Vibe). I’m in Canada and my warranty runs until the end of 2019, however I’d not be surprised if Medtronic (who also handles Animas supplies in Canada) sends us all a letter and says they’ve exhausted their Animas pump supplies.

I tried ordering 6 months of pump supplies 2 weeks ago and they are now limiting orders to 5 boxes each of insets and cartridges.

Fortunately I have a like new Medtronic 522 which I intend to loop, so I won’t have to wait for the Tandem which my province still hasn’t approved.

My Animas is held together with tape and SkinTac :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:



You mention your vibe is being held by tape. What happened to it? I get 3 months supply of animals pump supplies but not sure Medtronics will be able to fulfill my last order come September. Your lucky to have a Medtronics pump as a backup while your vibe expires. My backup pump is another animas pump.

Cracked case and old screen protector.

Did I mention the display brightness is shot and during daylight I can only read it when in a pitch black room? Good thing my G5 talks to my phone and not the pump.

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Oh the joys of our disease. I think that’s one of the only problems I had with the animals pump was the display brightness always faded with time. I’ve had a couple animals pumps replaced because of that issue.

Does the date/time still retain across battery changes?

Tim - No, time and date memory went after 2 years. Pump was manufactured Feb 2014

Aside from all that it still functions, and is better than swapping for a new Medtronic.

It seems like this was the best way to go for what you and your daughter need. Every pump has its good and bad points. And unfortunately there isn’t a pump out there that does everything I’d like.
But I also went Tandem IQ. I love the G6! And I get asked often how accurate it is and I really don’t know. I haven’t tested since before Christmas. Now I have compared to lab results while doing some overnight clinical trials but the pump does its thing and I just go about my life. I don’t think about the diabetes a whole lot now. Just deal with the alarms when they happen and my sleep has been wonderful! The pump shuts down overnight and I don’t have to do a darn thing!
And while I don’t share with my family, I know many parents who love the share feature, especially overnight and at school.
Good luck and enjoy!

This looks like a good choice for you and daughter at this time. Tandem can immediately give you low protection, most importantly doing that at night.

Then you’re lined up to get the Control-IQ software upgrade later this year that will constitute a hybrid closed loop. User reports discussing Tandem products during the last year or so have been dependably favorable. I think you dodged a bullet when you avoided the 670. Best of luck!

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I have been using the 670g for just over a year now, and was the first of my endocrinologists patients to try the new device. My endo is a huge fan of the Dexcom system, and I had been on that for about 5 years prior to going to the 670g.

I will say this unequivocally: I have a had ZERO low blood sugar incidents at night since being on this system. NONE. That’s not something I can say for the DEXCOM/MDI regimen I was on. In addition, i have had only a handful of lows during the day over the past year, and each of those was my fault for not accounting for activities and/or carb counting.

Dexcom vs Guardian3 CGM is comparable in performance in my experience. I wore the Dexcom and Guardian3 together to evaluate this because I was not comfortable giving up the Dex. My experience over a period of about 3 weeks was that the numbers were always very close.

Since being on the system, my A1Cs have been 6.1, 6.3, 6.1, 6.1, and 6.1. Very consistent results.

Now, a child I am not (though some may take issue with that), so take that into account. I’m am 52, and very physically active. Yes, I’ve had some technical issues with the pump, and am not a fan of Medtronic’s support, but from a health perspective, the 670g has been a positive experience for me.