Day to day, every day
Insulin- come back!
Always thinking about it.
Blood stains on my fingers.
Eating glucose tabs at midnight.
Test, test, test!
Every day is different.
Someday… a cure.
Wow… these are all great! This would make an interesting book…
Dreaming of a cure
Isolated from my peers
Always wanting more
Beginning new each day
Even when i’m right, I’m wrong
Testing the boundaries of my health
Each and every day
Daring to take chances - but safe ones (e.g. going from pump to injections for a change of pace) Introverted - think having diabetes has made me this way Advancing age is making me realise how far we’ve gone in making diabetes easier to mange (most times) Brave - putting on my blue cape to help others understand diabetes a little bit more (see S below) Escape - sometimes I’d love to know what it would be like to not be diabetic - would it be any different? Time involved daily in keeping logs / maintaining health - something I try not to think about - too mind boggling Equality - sometimes having diabetes can make people question what and if you can do it (huh???) Silliness on my part when trying to help someone out with their diabetic probs and trying to make them feel better.
C.J., there are tons of opportunities as an adult with diabetes to tour your neighborhood–if not the world–and tell people how a good outlook is so beneficial.
A few examples: volunteer to lead a chronic illness support group, visit newly diagnosed kids and their families, volunteer at a JDRF, ADA, TCOYD event.
And there ARE carnivals for people with diabetes–places like tudiabetes. Where we laugh, share, challenge each other and ourselves. Yes, we’re all allowed to have down days, months, even years. I’ve certainly let myself experience plenty of down times in 36+ years with diabetes.
It’s fine to be realistic. But trying to dampen someone’s sense of hope? That’s not right.
I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way CJ…there are times when we all feel this way; when everything is dark. I hope you’ll climb out of the dark hollow you’re presently in…that’s one of the reasons why we have support groups such as this one.
Luv ya…and please stay tuned…